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Title: The World In 2025
Author: Future Agenda |
The World In 2025
Accelerated Displacement (2025)
Accelerated Displacement (2025)
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable or unwilling to bring about necessary change all trigger unprecedented…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable or unwilling to bring about necessary change all trigger unprecedented migration to the North. Over the next 50 years, as…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable or unwilling to bring about necessary change all trigger unprecedented migration to the North. Over the next 50 years, as many as 1 billion people could be on the move.…
Read moreAccess to Transport (2025)
Access to Transport (2025)
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes a key feature of urban design and regeneration. Planners use…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes a key feature of urban design and regeneration. Planners use transport infrastructure to influence social change and lower carbon living.…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes a key feature of urban design and regeneration. Planners use transport infrastructure to influence social change and lower carbon living. The impact that transport has had on society is all…
Read moreAfrica Growth (2025)
Africa Growth (2025)
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US and Europe combined, few doubt the scale of the African…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US and Europe combined, few doubt the scale of the African continent and its resources. However, until recently only some have…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US and Europe combined, few doubt the scale of the African continent and its resources. However, until recently only some have seen it as the growth market that it is fast…
Read moreAgelessness (2025)
Agelessness (2025)
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts to the new demographic landscape. New opportunities arise for creators…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts to the new demographic landscape. New opportunities arise for creators and consumers of all ages, though benefits are often only…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts to the new demographic landscape. New opportunities arise for creators and consumers of all ages, though benefits are often only for the wealthy. “Chronological age is completely irrelevant”, says Sarah…
Read moreAir Quality (2025)
Air Quality (2025)
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and becomes a visible catalyst for changing mind-sets and policies across…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and becomes a visible catalyst for changing mind-sets and policies across health, energy, transportation and urban design. Delhi, Patna, Gwailor and…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and becomes a visible catalyst for changing mind-sets and policies across health, energy, transportation and urban design. Delhi, Patna, Gwailor and Raipur: the four most polluted cities in the world, and…
Read moreAutonomous Vehicles (2025)
Autonomous Vehicles (2025)
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via truck platoons on highways and small urban delivery pods. Connected…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via truck platoons on highways and small urban delivery pods. Connected cars create the network and test the technologies for the…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via truck platoons on highways and small urban delivery pods. Connected cars create the network and test the technologies for the eventual revolutionary driverless experience. The concept of self-driving, autonomous vehicles…
Read moreBasic Sanitation (2025)
Basic Sanitation (2025)
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social progress, particularly for women. Governments and donor organisations prioritise measurement,…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social progress, particularly for women. Governments and donor organisations prioritise measurement, education and innovation in a bid to drive change. Although…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social progress, particularly for women. Governments and donor organisations prioritise measurement, education and innovation in a bid to drive change. Although investments in sanitation can reduce disease, increase family incomes, keep…
Read moreCapitalism Challenged (2025)
Capitalism Challenged (2025)
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face cries for change, structural challenges and technology enabled freedoms. Together…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face cries for change, structural challenges and technology enabled freedoms. Together these re-write the rules and propose a more participative, collaborative…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face cries for change, structural challenges and technology enabled freedoms. Together these re-write the rules and propose a more participative, collaborative landscape of all working together. Capitalism is under siege from…
Read moreCare in the Community (2025)
Care in the Community (2025)
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that promotes decentralization. A new care model is customer-centric, caregiver-focused and…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that promotes decentralization. A new care model is customer-centric, caregiver-focused and enhances coordination across care settings. Most people, when given the…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that promotes decentralization. A new care model is customer-centric, caregiver-focused and enhances coordination across care settings. Most people, when given the choice, would elect to stay in their homes and in…
Read moreCaring For Those Left Behind (2025)
Caring For Those Left Behind (2025)
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited reach. Millions of people continue to be left behind from mainstream…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited reach. Millions of people continue to be left behind from mainstream progress - especially the young, the poor and those who…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited reach. Millions of people continue to be left behind from mainstream progress - especially the young, the poor and those who are disadvantaged. Progress has always been a pretty bumpy journey;…
Read moreChanging Nature of Privacy (2025)
Changing Nature of Privacy (2025)
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal data: The balance between protection, security, privacy and public good…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal data: The balance between protection, security, privacy and public good is increasingly political. In 2016 the privacy conversation is still…
Read moreCitizen-Centric Cities (2025)
Citizen-Centric Cities (2025)
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires of increasingly empowered and enabled citizens - who are expecting…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires of increasingly empowered and enabled citizens - who are expecting personalized services from the organisations that serve them. If we…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires of increasingly empowered and enabled citizens - who are expecting personalized services from the organisations that serve them. If we are going to live in cities, then we will certainly…
Read moreCompanies with Purpose (2025)
Companies with Purpose (2025)
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large corporations are under scrutiny. Businesses come under greater pressure to…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large corporations are under scrutiny. Businesses come under greater pressure to improve performance on environmental, social and governance issues. Today, particularly…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large corporations are under scrutiny. Businesses come under greater pressure to improve performance on environmental, social and governance issues. Today, particularly in Anglo-American markets, many see that it is the responsibility…
Read moreCreative Economy (2025)
Creative Economy (2025)
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures.…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures.…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures. What’s more, it generates wealth. To build scale it requires…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures. What’s more, it generates wealth. To build scale it requires a workforce comfortable with collaboration, critical thinking and the ability…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures. What’s more, it generates wealth. To build scale it requires a workforce comfortable with collaboration, critical thinking and the ability to take a risk. Publishing, film, television, music production, broadcasting,…
Read moreCurrencies of Meaning (2025)
Currencies of Meaning (2025)
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentication and validation. Money is complemented by…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentication and validation. Money is complemented by new systems to which we attach greater significance. In the…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentication and validation. Money is complemented by new systems to which we attach greater significance. In the past things were relatively more straightforward. People were known in…
Read moreData Ownership (2025)
Data Ownership (2025)
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us transparent control of our information: We retain more ownership of…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us transparent control of our information: We retain more ownership of our data and opt to share it. As public understanding…
Read moreDeclining Government Influence (2025)
Declining Government Influence (2025)
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure from both above and below - multinational organisations increasingly set…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure from both above and below - multinational organisations increasingly set the rules while citizens trust and support local and network…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure from both above and below - multinational organisations increasingly set the rules while citizens trust and support local and network based actions. Government and governance itself is in a state…
Read moreDeeper Collaboration (2025)
Deeper Collaboration (2025)
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations.…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations.…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations. Competitor alliances and wider public participation drive regulators to create…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations. Competitor alliances and wider public participation drive regulators to create new legal frameworks for open, empathetic collaboration. Given the challenges…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations. Competitor alliances and wider public participation drive regulators to create new legal frameworks for open, empathetic collaboration. Given the challenges we are facing, many see the need for a different…
Read moreCash continues to be gradually replaced by digital money, providing…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the value of other things for the purpose of exchanging goods…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the value of other things for the purpose of exchanging goods and services. Money enables people to compare quickly and easily…
Read moreDynamic Pricing (2025)
Dynamic Pricing (2025)
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect more businesses, from energy use to parking. Real-time transparency allows…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect more businesses, from energy use to parking. Real-time transparency allows better purchasing at the same time as margins and yields…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect more businesses, from energy use to parking. Real-time transparency allows better purchasing at the same time as margins and yields are automatically enhanced. In the past, prices of things, whether…
Read moreEco-Civilisation (2025)
Eco-Civilisation (2025)
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly…
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly…
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly without concern for long-term environmental impacts. However, now faced with…
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly without concern for long-term environmental impacts. However, now faced with major challenges, a bright light of sustainable development is emerging. …
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly without concern for long-term environmental impacts. However, now faced with major challenges, a bright light of sustainable development is emerging. If you ask the man in the street which countries…
Read moreEducation Revolution (2025)
Education Revolution (2025)
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst for empowerment, sustained economic growth, overcoming inequality and reducing conflict.…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst for empowerment, sustained economic growth, overcoming inequality and reducing conflict. We need an education system fit for the digital revolution.…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst for empowerment, sustained economic growth, overcoming inequality and reducing conflict. We need an education system fit for the digital revolution. In schools and institutions across the world questions are…
Read moreEnergy Storage (2025)
Energy Storage (2025)
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in the renewables jigsaw. If solved, it can enable truly distributed…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in the renewables jigsaw. If solved, it can enable truly distributed solar energy as well as accelerate the electrification of the…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in the renewables jigsaw. If solved, it can enable truly distributed solar energy as well as accelerate the electrification of the transport industry. After years of rising prices and increasing demand,…
Read moreEnhanced Performance (2025)
Enhanced Performance (2025)
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and data to make us safer, more informed and potentially super-human…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and data to make us safer, more informed and potentially super-human in performance - but should we? The idea of human…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and data to make us safer, more informed and potentially super-human in performance - but should we? The idea of human enhancement is not new. For years now we have variously…
Read moreEthical Machines (2025)
Ethical Machines (2025)
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we approach technology singularity, autonomous robots and smarter algorithms make ethical…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we approach technology singularity, autonomous robots and smarter algorithms make ethical judgments that impact life or death. In ten years time,…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we approach technology singularity, autonomous robots and smarter algorithms make ethical judgments that impact life or death. In ten years time, driverless cars will fill our roads, machine-learning algorithms combat disease…
Read moreEverything Connected (2025)
Everything Connected (2025)
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything that can benefit from a connection has one. We deliver…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything that can benefit from a connection has one. We deliver 10,000x more data 100x more effectively but are concerned about…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything that can benefit from a connection has one. We deliver 10,000x more data 100x more effectively but are concerned about the security of the information that flows. By 2025, there…
Read moreFemale Choice Dilemma (2025)
Female Choice Dilemma (2025)
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it increased control and influence. This continues to drive change and…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it increased control and influence. This continues to drive change and decision-making but globally the battle for female equality has a…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it increased control and influence. This continues to drive change and decision-making but globally the battle for female equality has a long road to travel. Debates about equal rights for women…
Read moreFlooded Cities (2025)
Flooded Cities (2025)
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for flooding. Many districts and households can no longer get flood…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for flooding. Many districts and households can no longer get flood insurance and are in jeopardy. It’s going to get worse…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for flooding. Many districts and households can no longer get flood insurance and are in jeopardy. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. 2015 was the warmest year on…
Read moreFood Waste (2025)
Food Waste (2025)
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply chain or in consumption and could feed another 3 billion.…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply chain or in consumption and could feed another 3 billion. Optimising distribution and storage in developing countries and enabling better…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply chain or in consumption and could feed another 3 billion. Optimising distribution and storage in developing countries and enabling better consumer information in others could solve this. We live in…
Read moreFull Cost (2025)
Full Cost (2025)
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for business to pay the true cost of the resources provided…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for business to pay the true cost of the resources provided by ‘natural capital’ and so compensate for their negative impact…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for business to pay the true cost of the resources provided by ‘natural capital’ and so compensate for their negative impact on society. In many of today’s commercial activities with historical…
Read moreHuman Touch (2025)
Human Touch (2025)
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated and algorithmic, those brands that can offer more emotional engagement…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated and algorithmic, those brands that can offer more emotional engagement and human-to-human contact become increasingly attractive. Since the Industrial revolution,…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated and algorithmic, those brands that can offer more emotional engagement and human-to-human contact become increasingly attractive. Since the Industrial revolution, the world has become more automated. In the 19th century,…
Read moreImbalanced Population Growth (2025)
Imbalanced Population Growth (2025)
A growing population adds another billion people but it is…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is also rapidly ageing: a child born next year will live…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is also rapidly ageing: a child born next year will live 6 months longer than one born today. While migration helps…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is also rapidly ageing: a child born next year will live 6 months longer than one born today. While migration helps to rebalance, increasing dependency ratios challenge many. While there are…
Read moreInfrastructure Deficit (2025)
Infrastructure Deficit (2025)
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies invest in new railroads and highways for more effective movement…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies invest in new railroads and highways for more effective movement of people and goods, while developed nations suffer from poor…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies invest in new railroads and highways for more effective movement of people and goods, while developed nations suffer from poor legacy. Infrastructure - ports, pipelines, hospitals, highways, water, sewage and…
Read moreIntra-City Collaboration (2025)
Intra-City Collaboration (2025)
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change.…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change.…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change. They compete to attract the best but also collaborate to…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change. They compete to attract the best but also collaborate to avoid the downside of success – over-crowding, under-resourcing and pollution.…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change. They compete to attract the best but also collaborate to avoid the downside of success – over-crowding, under-resourcing and pollution. Global trade and power is generally defined between governments at…
Read moreKeeping The Faith
Keeping The Faith
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For many, religion is one of the few aspects of their…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For many, religion is one of the few aspects of their previous life, a key to their sense of identity -…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For many, religion is one of the few aspects of their previous life, a key to their sense of identity - stronger than the citizenship of their adopted country or the…
Read moreMass Engagement (2025)
Mass Engagement (2025)
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder to suppress, leaders seek to engage to create, develop, secure…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder to suppress, leaders seek to engage to create, develop, secure and maintain legitimacy for their initiatives and policies – so…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder to suppress, leaders seek to engage to create, develop, secure and maintain legitimacy for their initiatives and policies – so further reducing their hierarchical power. Every since homo sapiens first…
Read moreNature’s Capital (2025)
Nature’s Capital (2025)
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth major extinction. But as biodiversity declines, nature becomes increasingly valued…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth major extinction. But as biodiversity declines, nature becomes increasingly valued and valuable. We live in the Anthropocene, the proposed epoch that begins when…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth major extinction. But as biodiversity declines, nature becomes increasingly valued and valuable. We live in the Anthropocene, the proposed epoch that begins when human activities started to have a significant global impact on Earth's geology and…
Read moreOff grid (2025)
Off grid (2025)
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal division or improve privacy, health and wellbeing. Either way, doing…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal division or improve privacy, health and wellbeing. Either way, doing so provides fertile ground for innovation. The world and humanity…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal division or improve privacy, health and wellbeing. Either way, doing so provides fertile ground for innovation. The world and humanity are unquestionably more connected than ever before. The Industrial and…
Read moreOpen Supply Webs (2025)
Open Supply Webs (2025)
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains are replaced by more regional, consumer-orientated supply webs and networks.…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains are replaced by more regional, consumer-orientated supply webs and networks. In the past companies have sought to manage their own…
Read moreOptimising Last Mile Delivery (2025)
Optimising Last Mile Delivery (2025)
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution. Greater efficiency in moving things is…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution. Greater efficiency in moving things is as important as in moving people and so a major…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution. Greater efficiency in moving things is as important as in moving people and so a major focus for innovation. In the complex world of logistics, vast…
Read moreOrganisation 3.0 (2025)
Organisation 3.0 (2025)
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As such the nature of work and the role of the…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As such the nature of work and the role of the organisation blurs. While there are many different types of organisation…
Read morePlastic Oceans (2025)
Plastic Oceans (2025)
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. We…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. We live on a blue planet; the world’s oceans cover three…
Read morePrivacy Regulation (2025)
Privacy Regulation (2025)
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is a focus for many nations driving proactive regulation, but others…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is a focus for many nations driving proactive regulation, but others choose to opt-out of international agreements and go their own…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is a focus for many nations driving proactive regulation, but others choose to opt-out of international agreements and go their own way. Technology has created a new type of geopolitical interaction.…
Read moreResource Constraints (2025)
Resource Constraints (2025)
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and drive increasing tension between and within countries. As we exceed…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and drive increasing tension between and within countries. As we exceed the Earth’s natural thresholds, food and water receive as much…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and drive increasing tension between and within countries. As we exceed the Earth’s natural thresholds, food and water receive as much focus as oil and gas People are concerned about the…
Read moreRise of Nimby (2025)
Rise of Nimby (2025)
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North to South and from West to East, have delivered many…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North to South and from West to East, have delivered many benefits for some - but are causing clashes of cultures…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North to South and from West to East, have delivered many benefits for some - but are causing clashes of cultures and a perspective of political retrenchment for others. Through globalization,…
Read moreRising Youth Unemployment (2025)
Rising Youth Unemployment (2025)
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access to work is a rising barrier. Especially across North Africa,…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access to work is a rising barrier. Especially across North Africa, the Middle East and southern Europe, a lost generation of…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access to work is a rising barrier. Especially across North Africa, the Middle East and southern Europe, a lost generation of 100m young people fails to connect with or gain from…
Read moreShifting Power and Influence (2025)
Shifting Power and Influence (2025)
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards,…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards,…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards, back to where it was 2000 years ago. Recent superpowers…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards, back to where it was 2000 years ago. Recent superpowers seek to moderate the pace of change but the realities…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards, back to where it was 2000 years ago. Recent superpowers seek to moderate the pace of change but the realities of population and resource locations are immoveable. Are we are…
Read moreShrinking Middle (2025)
Shrinking Middle (2025)
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing inequality for some drives a relative decline in middle-income populations.…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing inequality for some drives a relative decline in middle-income populations. Coupled with the erosion of secure jobs, the US in…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing inequality for some drives a relative decline in middle-income populations. Coupled with the erosion of secure jobs, the US in particular sees a steadily shrinking middle. When taking a global…
Read moreSkills Concentrations (2025)
Skills Concentrations (2025)
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging for companies and workers alike. Those who benefit from the…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging for companies and workers alike. Those who benefit from the high-skill reward opportunities remain a select group who move ahead…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging for companies and workers alike. Those who benefit from the high-skill reward opportunities remain a select group who move ahead of the urban pack. Across the world it is difficult…
Read moreSometimes Nomads (2025)
Sometimes Nomads (2025)
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient working models create connected nomads who mix the traditions of…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient working models create connected nomads who mix the traditions of home with the values and customs of their host location.…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient working models create connected nomads who mix the traditions of home with the values and customs of their host location. People move around for all sorts of different reasons, good…
Read moreSpeed to Scale (2025)
Speed to Scale (2025)
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all combine to accelerate the time to 1bn customers and a…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all combine to accelerate the time to 1bn customers and a $10bn valuation for start-ups and new corporate ventures alike. Founded…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all combine to accelerate the time to 1bn customers and a $10bn valuation for start-ups and new corporate ventures alike. Founded in 2004, Facebook reached 500m users within six years and…
Read moreStandards Driving Trade (2025)
Standards Driving Trade (2025)
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and making it simpler and less bureaucratic – but there are…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and making it simpler and less bureaucratic – but there are a number of agreements, standards and protocols that some are…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and making it simpler and less bureaucratic – but there are a number of agreements, standards and protocols that some are seeing as increasingly constraining. As the world seeks to optimize…
Read moreStill Being Stupid (2025)
Still Being Stupid (2025)
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face,…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face,…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face, we individually and collectively continue to make decisions that may…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face, we individually and collectively continue to make decisions that may make sense in the short-term - but do not lead…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face, we individually and collectively continue to make decisions that may make sense in the short-term - but do not lead to better longer-term consequences. The Doomsday Clock has been maintained…
Read moreThe Real Sharing Economy (2025)
The Real Sharing Economy (2025)
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks and impact. Real sharing enterprises, not driven by profits, seek…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks and impact. Real sharing enterprises, not driven by profits, seek to share resources, knowledge, and decision-making responsibilities. Based on online…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks and impact. Real sharing enterprises, not driven by profits, seek to share resources, knowledge, and decision-making responsibilities. Based on online marketplaces creating transparency of demand and matching to it supply,…
Read moreThe Rise of the Cult of China (2025)
The Rise of the Cult of China (2025)
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is a rise in the cult of China in popular imaginations…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is a rise in the cult of China in popular imaginations elsewhere. Myths of both hope and fear will proliferate as…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is a rise in the cult of China in popular imaginations elsewhere. Myths of both hope and fear will proliferate as China’s cultural influence increases. It’s a platitude to say that…
Read moreUrban Obesity (2025)
Urban Obesity (2025)
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. Levels of obesity in most cities are…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. Levels of obesity in most cities are growing fast and the associated healthcare burden will soon account…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. Levels of obesity in most cities are growing fast and the associated healthcare burden will soon account for 5% of global GDP. The obesity epidemic has been…
Read moreValue of Data (2025)
Value of Data (2025)
As organisations try to retain as much information about their…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their customers as possible, data becomes a currency with a value…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their customers as possible, data becomes a currency with a value and a price. It therefore requires a marketplace where anything…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their customers as possible, data becomes a currency with a value and a price. It therefore requires a marketplace where anything that is information is represented. It has never been easier…
Read moreWorking Longer (2025)
Working Longer (2025)
People are having to work for to support longer retirements.…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements.…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements. Flexible working practices and policies are emerging, but some employers…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements. Flexible working practices and policies are emerging, but some employers continue to remain ambivalent about older workers. People are staying…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements. Flexible working practices and policies are emerging, but some employers continue to remain ambivalent about older workers. People are staying in the workforce longer. In Europe, 50% of 55-64 year-olds…
Read moreFuture value of data world map infographic 2018
Future value of data world map infographic 2018
Read moreThe world in 2020 – The 10 year perspective
The world in 2020 – The 10 year perspective
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31 December 2018
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31 December 2018
Read morePerformance measures become increasingly more regional and country specific and local values are prioritised. But, as many Asian organisations become regional global players they also play down national credentials.
Read more10 Seconds of Attention
10 Seconds of Attention
Increased consumer choices and channels leave brands fighting for 10 seconds of attention. A new paradigm will emerge, based on dynamic, fast-moving, calls to ac4on rather than long-term relationships with delayed rewards.
Read moreA 3D View of Payments
A 3D View of Payments
Technology will allow multiple variables to be compared in real-time, producing a 3D view allowing traders to consider what they are buying, why they are buying it and the impact that this may have instantaneously.
Read moreA Data Marketplace
A Data Marketplace
Data is a currency, it has a value and a price, and therefore requires a market place. An ecosystem for trading data is emerging and anything that is information is represented in a new data marketplace.
Read moreA New Operating Environment
A New Operating Environment
The influence of non-state actors has expanded. Jurisdiction has grown beyond boundaries and technological change has outpaced society. The role of the state has had to evolve and to succeed in this new operating environmen.
Read moreA New Order?
A New Order?
We are witnessing the transition to a new order: New national interests, new trading routes, new products / services are all emerging. How to ensure the development of trade in this environment will be key to success.
Read moreAccess Unleashed
Access Unleashed
A shift of focus from access to one of mobility is underpinned by both an increase in online interaction and a decrease in personal transport. This shift in focus leads to more technology-enabled business model innovations.
Read moreAction, Responsibility and Accountability
Action, Responsibility and Accountability
Increased corporate transparency and lack of government resource means that millennials look to business rather than government to drive social change. Public action drives the agenda.
Read moreActive Divestment
Active Divestment
A potential change is the influence of the divestment movement which is currently focused on persuading institutional investors to divest from fossil fuels, but which in time may extend to investments in other resources.
Read moreAfrican Spring
African Spring
Ineffective governance encourages a disaffected population to demand new political leaders who put the needs of the public before their own: Voices from the middle and wealthy classes initiate necessary system change themselves.
Read moreAge Diversified Workforces
Age Diversified Workforces
The demographic changes underway are fundamentally altering virtually all aspects of life as we know it. Workforces are becoming older and more age diversified than ever in history.
Read moreAgreement on Use Not Collection
Agreement on Use Not Collection
The best approach to future proof access to big data is to ensure there is agreement around its use, not its collection. We need a core reference dataset to identify the data that is most effective in driving social and economic gain.
Read moreAir Quality
Air Quality
As more experience asthma and other breathing difficulties , urban air quality becomes a visible issue and a major catalyst for change – in transport policy, in energy source and in city design.
Read moreAligned Initiatives
Aligned Initiatives
Organisations align their plans with collective world / regional initiatives. They contribute to macro goals either directly or by ensuring that resources are allocated to where they can make the most difference.
Read moreAlmost Zero Waste
Almost Zero Waste
Escalating waste production and new attitudes, approaches, regulation and business models lead many to aim for an almost zero waste society
Read moreAppropriate Regulation
Appropriate Regulation
More appropriate regulation drives hot-spots of trade growth through special economic zones and free-zones that result in the movement of business, people and wealth. Protectionist regimes lose out as a result.
Read moreAsian Government Connections
Asian Government Connections
Asian companies continue to be more closely linked to government than many of their counterparts in the west. This shapes how they operate and how they evolve.
Read moreAusterity as Opportunity
Austerity as Opportunity
Budget constraints mean that doing good shifts from supporting others to the removal of obstacles which prevent individuals from accessing opportunity. Social models change from ‘doing to’ people to “building self-reliance”.
Read moreAuthentic Organisations
Authentic Organisations
Companies are open on their beliefs and perspectives and transparent on the financial and wider impact of their activities. As society appreciates true transparency, it sees organisations as being authentic.
Read moreAutomated Trucks
Automated Trucks
Autonomous and driverless trucks are now starting to have impact. The vision of long-distance platoons of trucks all running on intelligent highways without drivers has been a topic for some years... but the reality is not far away.
Read moreA New Social Contract
A New Social Contract
Definitions of success become more personally meaningful to each individual and are supported by employers, re-purposed unions and the power of the sharing economy network.
Read moreBack to the Village
Back to the Village
In developing markets, increased societal fragmentation, off-grid living and a growing disenchantment with the inefficiency of the status quo leads to a return to community ‘village’ lifestyle where local independence reigns.
Read moreBasic Sanitation
Despite major initiatives, basic sanitation is a gap for many and prevents wider social progress: Female education stops at puberty, open public defecations continues, water is contaminated and public health suffers as a consequence.
Read moreBeing Part of Society
Being Part of Society
Is the purpose of the corporation just about pursuing profits, or does it have a broader responsibility to produce socially beneficial outcomes and be a part of society rather than apart from it?
Read moreBeing Part of the Solution
Being Part of the Solution
Some see the failure to make capitalism inclusive and to address sustainability challenges as an opportunity to build deep relationships with customers and stakeholders by working on solutions to societal challenges.
Read moreBenefits from Globalisation
Benefits from Globalisation
While globalisation may create opportunities and increase food distribution the benefits predominantly flow to those with a developed and secure food supply.
Read moreBetter Employers
Better Employers
Given that the travel and tourism industry is a huge employer, the development of and tighter controls on employment rights are likely to be a significant factor in the future.
Read moreBig Data Opportunities
Big Data Opportunities
Most of the opportunities big data can offer have yet to be fully exploited. The reality is that there are different chunks of data that are collected, stored and managed in multiple ways.
Read moreBrand vs. Platform Loyalty
Brand vs. Platform Loyalty
Digital platforms will be both friend and enemy to brands. Platform-based loyalty may threaten traditional brand loyal4es. Brands will respond in different ways, with temporary price wars perhaps giving way to new alliances
Read moreBreaking Good
Breaking Good
Those who grew up with social media redefine charitable giving and force transparency through relentless research, ruthless focus and a fundamental belief in multiple community engagement.
Read moreBribery and Corruption
Bribery and Corruption
Non-state actors, that have no stake in the waterways, are more likely to disrupt them. More prosaically, roadside checkpoints cause delays but in addition they are often collection points for bribes and “safety money”.
Read moreBridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap
Organisations recognise that they have a responsibility to fill the gaps left by government as the lines of accountability blur between commercial activity, civil society and the state.
Read moreBroader Cyber Terrorism
Broader Cyber Terrorism
Cyber attacks move from the virtual world to the physical - attacking planes, u0li0es and industrial systems. Some see a corresponding slow down in the adoption of sensors and wider use of private encryption technologies.
Read moreBusiness Response to Resource Risks
Business Response to Resource Risks
To prevent the exploitation of global regulatory arbitrage, we work out how to more effectively govern the global footprint to create a level playing field: Business and government develop new models to manage risk.
Read moreBusiness Solutions to Societal Problems
Business Solutions to Societal Problems
Re-visioning the role of business in society may lead to a reduction in inequality, less partisan politics and greater action as businesses take the lead rather than waiting for Government to lead them.
Read moreCatering for the Displaced
Catering for the Displaced
Climate change drives migration, which in turn creates new markets where consumer needs are based on survival. There is more benefit in providing low cost goods supporting a basic lifestyle rather than aspirational luxury.
Read moreChanging Corporate Motivations
Changing Corporate Motivations
Brought up with technology, 2025 business leaders have different motivations and will challenge the current order of influence. In turn this will impact how they collaborate with others and redefine the meaning of success.
Read moreChanging Customer Expectations
Changing Customer Expectations
Customers will expect different things from their payments experience: instead of just ‘security’, there will also be a need for greater individual control, flexibility, choice, efficiency, convenience and “good friction”.
Read moreChanging Direction In-transit
Changing Direction In-transit
Although targets can drive change they can also stifle flexibility. To ensure relevance they are tempered by consistent knowledge sharing, collaboration and iterative action.
Read moreChanging Dynamics of Consumption
Changing Dynamics of Consumption
A move to more conscious consumption of experiences instead of the hyper-consumption of stuff results in a shift in the utilisations of assets and social view of status and hence associated anxiety around progress in a low-growth world.
Read moreChanging Role of Government
Changing Role of Government
Entities compete with the state for influence - environmental, human rights, and other activist NGOs – and operate at many levels of government around the world. This new dynamic changes the role of the state.
Read moreChanging Travel Motivations
Changing Travel Motivations
Demographic shifts and technology developments influence when and why we need to travel. Motivations for work and leisure mobility blur and dynamic pricing and the sharing economy deliver greater efficiency in the system.
Read moreChina as Asia’s Voice
China as Asia’s Voice
Despite growth of other ASEAN nations, for the next decade China remains the clear economic leader in the region – becoming more influential as the primary source of capital and the voice of Asia on the world stage.
Read moreChina: Leapfrogging and Expanding
China: Leapfrogging and Expanding
Innovations in technology and social media platforms in China will mean that China leapfrogs traditional loyalty models and creates loyalty models that are innovations for the whole world.
Read moreChina: “From Blood to Business”
China: “From Blood to Business”
Businesses in China have long operated on the principle of making the kinds of relationships with customers that are sought with family. They will bring this thinking to loyalty, reimagining brand-consumer relationships.
Read moreChinese Convenience
Chinese Convenience
The global travel infrastructure has been built for, and by, western travellers. This will be reimagined for the Chinese - going beyond congee for breakfast to a more subtle understanding of what is ‘convenient’ for Chinese tourists.
Read moreChinese Tourist Demographics
Chinese Tourist Demographics
More Chinese outbound tourists are expected, but little attention has been paid to their demographics. Growth so far has been in the young and wealthy, but the next decade will see a rise of less wealthy and older Chinese tourists.
Read moreChinese Tourists
Chinese Tourists
150 million outbound Chinese tourists and a total of 500m more mobile Asians will need places to stay in other countries that align better with their specific cultural norms and expectations.
Read moreCities Not Countries
Cities Not Countries
Cities are more important than countries and increasingly set the standards as cultural connections predominate over national identities and urban markets group around common issues.
Read moreCitizen-centric Data
Citizen-centric Data
Some see the inevitability of a citizen-centric data eco-system that empowers individuals with control and visibility over all data created by, or impacting on, them, including data after life – the onward usage of inherited data.
Read moreCity-zens
The current governance system is not good at taking into account factors such as the preferences of the non-voter (for example, city-zens), the environment and future generations.
Read moreClosing the Inequality Gap
Closing the Inequality Gap
One of the challenges facing the state is how to balance equity and autonomy. A centralised system is often viewed to be more equitable at the expense of autonomy.
Read moreClosing the Wealth Gap
Closing the Wealth Gap
Organisations seek to close the wealth gap, aiming for equality of opportunity, fostering entrepreneurial characteristics and re-imagining the public/private partnership so that growth that benefits everyone.
Read moreCoalition of the Willing
Coalition of the Willing
The need for intermediaries between the not-for-profit, corporate and statutory sector grows as, despite different motivations, doing good provides an opportunity for all to both benefit and have positive impact.
Read moreCollective Action to Control Chronic Disease
Collective Action to Control Chronic Disease
To stem the runaway costs of treating chronic diseases, multiple stakeholders collectively seek to halt key conditions: Remote monitoring, educational programmes and focused budgets are all integrated around common aims.
Read moreCombining Neuroscience and Big Data
Combining Neuroscience and Big Data
Combining Neuroscience and Big Data Organisa4ons will take the opportunity to exploit innova4ons in neuroscience, wearable electronics and big data to provide enhanced customisa4on in the design and delivery of new products and services.
Read moreCommunity-based Tourism
Community-based Tourism
Community-based tourism is on the rise with holidaymakers eschewing the crowded beaches and all-inclusive packages to enjoy a more authentic experience living in the culture rather than observing it from the outside.
Read moreCompetitor Collaboration
Competitor Collaboration
Wider collaborations change the payments landscape with credit card companies partnering with merchants, MNOs, and new entrants. These partnerships share infrastructure, increasing consumer utility and choice.
Read moreConflicting Motivation
Conflicting Motivation
Increasing competition for limited funding, duplication of effort, mistrust and poor collaboration combine to reduce the impact of social organisations and leave the vulnerable to suffer.
Read moreConnected Prediction
Connected Prediction
Led by healthcare, we move from disparate, under-utilised data sources to real-0me synthesis of multiple data platforms with improved accuracy and speed. Predictive analytics drives hyper-personalisation and early action.
Read moreConscious Stewards
Conscious Stewards
We are more aware of the consequences of our actions: There is a sense of stewardship of the world - not only in how we manage our home, but also in how we live in our ecosystem. We start to behave as conscious stewards.
Read moreConsistent Decision Making
Consistent Decision Making
Organisations adopt balanced decision-making processes that drive consistent behaviours – using an appropriate set of measurement criteria, metrics and long term horizons.
Read moreConsistent Integrity
Consistent Integrity
Organisations behave consistently, with integrity and with honesty in all that they do – with clear alignment between their strategic objectives, behaviours, culture, systems and incentives.
Read moreConstant Learning and Skill Development
Constant Learning and Skill Development
Personalised and contextually relevant on-the-job training and education will extend effective working lives and ensure that skills are constantly refreshed.
Read moreConsumer Power
Consumer Power
The consumer is likely to gain the upper hand in terms of the power dynamic and principles such as ‘great customer service’ will no longer be a negotiable.
Read moreConsumer Power
Consumer Power
The consumer is likely to gain the upper hand in terms of the power dynamic and principles such as ‘great customer service’ will no longer be a negotiable.
Read moreConsumer-Driven Trade
Consumer-Driven Trade
A new trade order leaves behind the monolithic, legacy institutions of the post-war era: Trade is empowered from the bottom-up, with conscious citizenship driving more nimble self-regulation and a reduction of tariffs.
Read moreContinuous Learning to Enable Employment
Continuous Learning to Enable Employment
As the pace of change accelerates, the knowledge economy grows and the value of accreditation declines. This leads to a shift from "education then work" to a world of "continuous learning” needed to keep us all employable.
Read moreContinuous Proof of Loyalty
Continuous Proof of Loyalty
Brands have to consistently demonstrate their loyalty to consumers as customer mobility and switching between brands increases. Global, regional and local affiliations blur and drive wider brand consolidation.
Read moreCounting the Costs of Loyalty
Counting the Costs of Loyalty
Keeping customers loyal is increasingly expensive. Brands will learn to differentiate between the ‘truly’ loyal and the merely ‘conveniently’ loyal, in order to maximise the value in maintaining costly long-term relationships.
Read moreCreating Lasting Change
Creating Lasting Change
The use of regulatory sticks and carrots has the potential to achieve high impact but may be resisted by incumbents. A subtle approach of experiments to “nudge” the system in the desired direction may have greater impact.
Read moreCreating Skills Demand
Creating Skills Demand
NfP investment in leadership development initiatives helps ensure the long-term health of the sector but this requires funders and regulators to support the adoption of and measure against an agreed leadership code.
Read moreCrypto-Anarchists
Consideration is increasingly given to empowering totalitarianism through surveillance to help deal with crypto-anarchists. Totalitarian surveillance is seen as particularly necessary as emerging economies drive rapid change.
Read moreCultural Relevant Conundrum
Cultural Relevant Conundrum
In an increasingly global and diverse world how will brands embrace national consciousness and touch consumers whose national identity is disconnected to where they live? How will brands reconnect with the diaspora?
Read moreCurrencies of Meaning
Currencies of Meaning
New trusted currencies of exchange emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentications and validation. Money as a means of exchange is complemented by new systems to which we attach increasing significance.
Read moreCustomers Before Shareholders
Customers Before Shareholders
Driven by changing views of their social value, corpora4ons will increasingly seek to focus more on real customer needs and so decrease emphasis on short-term pressure from shareholders.
Read moreCyber Reputations
Cyber Reputations
Personal and corporate cyber reputations move with the individual, enabling transparency and accountability about performance of services and interactions.
Read moreData Analytics
Data Analytics
Data analytics can help build understanding on how to use the water cycle to respond to the challenges of climate change. It can also lead to increased scrutiny of water utilities and a better understanding of cost.
Read moreData and Democracy
Data and Democracy
Many question whether privacy will enable the democratic process: Is there privacy without democracy? Citizen data is increasingly publicly used and shared by governments as an instrument of social change.
Read moreData Criminality
Data Criminality
Data becomes the currency of criminal opportunity - which supports, feeds and innovates operations such as human trafficking, fraud, counterfeit, drugs, prostitution, and paedophilia – thus blurring the vision of an open data utopia.
Read moreData Curators
Data Curators
Personal Information Managers grow in number and seek to manage and protect both ‘free’ individual data sets and aggregated data: “If you are not paying for a product, you are the product.”
Read moreData Ethics and Trust
Data Ethics and Trust
As trust increasingly drives success, organisations will seek to make data ethics a focus. In order to engage and gain buy-in from governments and consumers alike, trust in data usage will become a core platform for differentiation.
Read moreData Exploitation
Data Exploitation
If it is discovered that companies exploit data that has been collected without genuine permission and use it in ways that have no societal benefit there is a risk that a negative public response will limit opportunities for everyone.
Read moreData Impurity
Data Impurity
As more decisions are made with reference to Big Data analysis - the question of if data is well collected, or manipulated, will become more important. ‘Data standards’ will emerge to cope with growing complexity of merging data sets.
Read moreData Islands
Data Islands
Some economies seek to maintain closed or parallel networks, independent of global systems. Different approaches from the standard are developed for major popula0on centres and, in 0me, could have global reach.
Read moreData Ownership
Data Ownership
Individuals recognise the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us transparent control of our informations: We retain more ownership of our data and opt to share it.
Read moreData Prioritisation
Data Prioritisation
An increasingly digital healthcare system is driven by access to credible data that is priori0sed above the noise. The value of such key data increases as its ability to unlock opportuni0es and improve diagnosis rises.
Read moreData Risk Management
Data Risk Management
As privacy and data are subsumed within wider risk frameworks, greater self-regulation and more in-house data risk management will lead to deeper integration of engineering, privacy and policy.
Read moreData Risk Management
Data Risk Management
As privacy and data are subsumed within wider risk frameworks, greater self-regulation and more in-house data risk management will lead to deeper integration of engineering, privacy and policy.
Read moreData’s Impact on Health
Data’s Impact on Health
BeJer use of data and technology has the power to improve health, transforming the quality and reducing the cost of health and care services. It can give pa0ents more control over their health and empower carers.
Read moreData-conscious Citizens
Data-conscious Citizens
The need for citizens to understand how data is used will grow. Education will be needed to combat new inequalities, and enable people to fully take part in society: understanding data will become part of civic self-conscious
Read moreDecoupling
Many are questioning when the perpetual economic growth model can be substituted - whether we can achieve ‘prosperity without growth’ and what role decoupling of these two can play.
Read moreDeep Moral Reach
Deep Moral Reach
Socially valued organisations utilise their authority to help stakeholders to do the right thing and recognise the need and obligation to show them how others are better off by doing so.
Read moreDeeper Loyalty
Deeper Loyalty
While travellers are used to points, many see the need for deeper relationships with the hotels they prefer to visit, rather than a global portfolio that share the same brand. They seek closer relationships around their real needs.
Read moreDefining My Space
Defining My Space
Hospitality organisations increasingly optimise the experience of space – both physically and experientially - to help travellers feel comfortable and secure. This results in more memorable, personalised and efficient travel.
Read moreDelivering on Dreams
Delivering on Dreams
Organisations focus more on helping individuals and communities achieve their aspirations by employing more flexible business models that allow local adaptation of principles to suit the ambition.
Read moreDemonstrate Humanity
Demonstrate Humanity
Organisations live by desired human traits and treat others as they wish to be treated themselves, provide time and space to pursue innovation, display a visible conscience and apologise when things go wrong.
Read moreDesalination Essential
Desalination Essential
About 96% of the earth’s total water supply is found in oceans and there is broad agreement that extensive use of desalination will be required to meet the needs of growing world population.
Read moreDevice is King, Consumer is Queen
Device is King, Consumer is Queen
The device is the focus of the future – it knows where you are, what you redeem and will consolidate all your information. Travel brands have to understand the ways devices will mediate their relationships with customers.
Read moreDevice is King, Consumer is Queen
Device is King, Consumer is Queen
Whether on devices or in the cloud, our digital repositories will know who we are, where we are and what we redeem. Businesses need to understand these new intermediaries and how they define our relationships with their brands.
Read moreDevice is King, Consumer is Queen
Device is King, Consumer is Queen
Whether on devices or in the cloud, our digital repositories will know who we are, where we are and what we redeem. Businesses need to understand these new intermediaries and how they define our rela4onships with their brands.
Read moreDevolution of Government
Devolution of Government
Local government provides a better locus for organisations trying to influence place-based strategies and cross sector ways of working, and also helps to generate funding directly from the communities they are looking to serve.
Read moreDifferent Pathways
Different Pathways
The developed world focus will be on growth in electric and hybrid-fuel vehicles and self-driving vehicles. For countries with less advanced transport systems, manufacturers are likely to deploy established technologies.
Read moreDigital Autonomy
Digital Autonomy
Increasing access to more personal and group data allows individuals to take informed views on their health. As information is decoupled from the professions, the public become more specific about their needs.
Read moreDigital Commons
Digital Commons
The ‘digital commons’ will continue to grow, empowering more and more citizens and consumers to take maKers into their own hands, such as deploying end-to-end encryption, anonymisers and by “watching the watchers”.
Read moreDigital Marketplaces
Digital Marketplaces
Shared business models and digital aggregators improve efficiency, eliminate middle-men and drive higher incomes. India moves beyond labour arbitrage to be a provider of knowledge and professional services.
Read moreDigital Money
Digital Money
Cash is gradually, but not completely, replaced by digital money providing consumers with more convenience / choice – and organisations with lower cost transactions. More new offers emerge, including in the black economy.
Read moreDigital Regulatory Regions
Digital Regulatory Regions
With learnings from successes in East Africa, autonomous/sovereign regulatory authorities come together to create continuous digital regulatory regions that span geographic borders and boundaries and lead to payments convergence.
Read moreDiluted Value of Loyalty
Diluted Value of Loyalty
Consumers will increasingly face the problem of having a wallet fat with loyalty cards. In this scenario, the value of loyalty may become diluted, the consumer may become overloaded, eventually disengaging from loyalty altogether.
Read moreDisaster Recovery Services
Disaster Recovery Services
As businesses increasingly suffer from the impact of natural and man-made events - such as climate change, cyber crime, terrorism and system failures - there is a growing demand for disaster recovery advice and services.
Read moreDisconnected Business
Disconnected Business
Big business has become disconnected from the broader society within which it operates. A narrow focus on short-term returns has led some to act in ways that benefit themselves whilst harming society and the environment.
Read moreDisruption and Resilience
Disruption and Resilience
Disruptions and instability increasingly interrupt travel. As such safety, security and health rise as key criteria for travel decisions and the travel industry seeks to be better prepared and deliver greater resilience in these instances.
Read moreDisruptive, Decentralised Consensus Ledgers
Disruptive, Decentralised Consensus Ledgers
Platforms, such as block chain, developed for crypto-currencies reduce cost and complexity to connect multiple parties to a single agreed digital record shared by all. This transforms the way we hold, access and value information.
Read moreDiversity of State Powers
Diversity of State Powers
As targeted monitoring replaces broad mass-interception, more prevalent and robust collection of personal data by states in many regions is increasingly subject to international security frameworks. But others do not comply.
Read moreDoing More with Less
Doing More with Less
The focus should extend to solutions that do more with less: irrigation efficiency, automated farming techniques and demand management in our cities. Smart infrastructure will help to improve performance.
Read moreDouble Counting
Double Counting
There is a growth in structured volunteering which helps individuals develop new skills and relationships while also making a difference in their community and in broader society.
Read moreDoubling of International Tourism
Doubling of International Tourism
In 2012 the number of tourists crossing international borders reached over 1bn. Much of the demand is fuelled by rising household incomes in emerging economies… International tourist arrivals are expected to reach 1.8bn by 2030
Read moreDreaming of Humanity
Dreaming of Humanity
The norm will be automation: machines will respond to humans who respond to machines. Human interaction will only be used to problem-solve and provide more personalised and premium services.
Read moreDriving Economic Growth
Driving Economic Growth
Transport infrastructure investment creates employment and economic flows and holds the promise of enabling more movement and in turn more economic activity.
Read moreDriving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
In order to shift the status quo, organisations increasingly refrain from token individual actions and seek to enable bolder, bigger, collaborative actions that can drive change across a whole sector or system.
Read moreDynamic Experiences
Dynamic Experiences
Consumers ideas of utility value and expectations of loyalty move from a recognition of the value in standard loyalty propositions to dynamic, exciting, changing and variable experiences that are ‘here today’ and ‘gone tomorrow’.
Read moreEastern Centricity
Eastern Centricity
With China’s 500m-strong middle-class burgeoning and travel barriers diminishing, Western and Eastern cultures meet and feed off one another, shifting global norms.
Read moreEcosystem Enhancement
Ecosystem Enhancement
Organisations take a broader view of their impact and responsibility and take conscious, consistent, smart decisions that enhance quality of life and help to provide a cleaner, healthier environment.
Read moreEducated Consumers
Educated Consumers
To improve both health and waste we see multiple campaigns, both global and local - at school and in the home – that help consumers better understand labelling, the benefits of home cooking and balanced diets.
Read moreEducation and Economics
Education and Economics
Education will be equally important as consumer attitudes in the adoption of different patterns of food consumption. Part of the equation must be to pay farmers more for their products.
Read moreEmbracing Diversity
Embracing Diversity
Organisations exhibit more visible understanding that being open and welcoming to a breadth of thought, perspective and behaviour can enable more progress to be made more quickly.
Read moreEmerging Norms
Emerging Norms
Influential developing economies drive new rules and practices where individuals and organisations design for risk and volatility - and are no longer limited by legacy business models and infrastructure.
Read moreEmpowering Local with Global
Empowering Local with Global
Alongside consolidation of large food corporations, we see hyper-local diversities in food production and supply chains - driven by global networks that enable local-to-local sharing of information, resources, and technologies.
Read moreEmpowering the Crowd
Empowering the Crowd
In the future anyone will be able to trade, immediately knowing the amount they are paying in the currency of their choice. The number of participants will drive the market rather than single, large-scale investors.
Read moreEnabling Scale
Enabling Scale
The potential for greater collaboration … creates a specific role for the state in the network to identify successful ideas and scale them, leveraging its resources to augment the delivery of public services.
Read moreEnd of Charity
End of Charity
The 20th century donative charity model reaches its limit. Models emerge that are more nimble, more commercial, more collaborative, more empowering, more temporal for good.
Read moreEnd-to-End Experiences
End-to-End Experiences
To simplify the customer journey and exploit inefficiencies across the travel eco-system, new technology-led services decouple and disintermediate current providers: New seamless, integrated apps re-bundle the a-la-carte choices.
Read moreEnlightened Leaders
Enlightened Leaders
Organisations have leaders who recognise the impact of their decisions and behaviours on the future success of the societies in which they are a part of and that they serve.
Read moreEntitlement is not Universal
Entitlement is not Universal
The implications for some are clear: we need a different healthcare model, we need technology to really deliver improvements at scale and at low cost and to start reducing the level of cover to a good proportion of some populations.
Read moreEvolution of Security
Evolution of Security
The need for physical security reduces with the demise of the use of cash. In its place, more secure digital solution platforms pervade with a consolidation of identity and payments into an ecosystem that includes crypto-currencies.
Read moreExternal Drivers
External Drivers
Much of the labor market woes of the past decade are down to the financial crisis, reduced investment and the impact of globalisation. Many middle-skill jobs will prove more resistant to unbundling than advertised.
Read moreExtreme Customer Centricity
Extreme Customer Centricity
Customer engagement will become a core function that cuts across traditional silos, and helps to focus entire businesses on the contextual needs and value opportunities for different audiences at different stages of a customer journey.
Read moreExtreme Faiths
Extreme Faiths
Religion continues to be a powerful galvanising force defining our values, ac4ons and identities - but in some regions is increasingly polarising. Fanaticism continues to rise - amplified by social technologies.
Read moreFair Compensation
Fair Compensation
Fairer prices for farmers, food producers and consumers are driven by the elimination of subsidies, the introduction of sustainability accounting into the corporate P&L and increased transparency and traceability of supply.
Read moreFair Compensation
Fair Compensation
Fairer prices for farmers, food producers and consumers are driven by the elimination of subsidies, the introduction of sustainability accounting into the corporate P&L and increased transparency and traceability of supply.
Read moreFaith Across Borders
Faith Across Borders
Increasing migration and second-generation disillusionment creates a sense of nostalgia for traditional values. Formal religion, and variants, provide belief systems which are stronger than national identity.
Read moreFaith in the Future
Faith in the Future
Young women are increasingly empowered and know their rights. Conversely some young men are confused by their sisters’ growing confidence and look to tradition to support the status quo.
Read moreFarm to Market Efficiency
Farm to Market Efficiency
With some countries losing over 40% of food in the supply chain, food storage and distribution are seen as areas for increased efficiency. Private companies take greater responsibility, reducing corruption: Prices are more stable.
Read moreFeeding the Bottom of the Pyramid
Feeding the Bottom of the Pyramid
Achieving and maintaining lower prices and more efficient large scale distribution to and within cities is a social priority. Balancing this with higher safety standards and food service costs is however a challenge for some.
Read moreFeminine Spirit
Feminine Spirit
Leading organisations, in particular those in the West, promote and invest in women, better representing the populations that they serve. Many benefit from doing so.
Read moreFilled to the Gunwales
Filled to the Gunwales
The maritime sector is global, mobile and growing. Ships carry 80% of global trade and with international trade forecast to grow strongly, seaborne trade is expected to increase rapidly to match demand, which is predicted to double by 2030 (from 2015).
Read moreFinal Frontiers
Final Frontiers
The growth of space tourism, increasing interest and participation in Arctic/Antarctic trips, deep sea exploration and other remote journeys all drive more of us to seek to access the inaccessible.
Read moreFinancial Inclusion Driven by Payments Companies
Financial Inclusion Driven by Payments Companies
Improvements in financial education for the mass are driven by the payments industry, not governments. Predicative algorithms protect consumers by reducing their ability to over-extend themselves with cheap credit.
Read moreFlexi-water
Continuing uncertainty around water supply will require smart, flexible water management systems to cope with drought and flood, the effects of climate change and the demands of new industries and shifting populations.
Read moreFood for Thought
Food for Thought
Growing awareness of the ‘whole food system’ and open discourse on the role of food in society, leads to a return to traditional food sharing rituals and a rediscovery of the importance of food to social cohesion and well-being.
Read moreFood Resource Optimisation
Food Resource Optimisation
New technologies in the food system, from data-driven seasonal and market forecasting, to robotics and bio/gen-tech, lead to greater resilience to shocks (e.g. drought), lower costs and bigger and better quality yields.
Read moreFood Safety
Food Safety
Led by WHO and other multinational partnerships, a gradual shift towards more harmonised and global food standards and international regulations has to first overcome food politics and significant national self-interests.
Read moreFragmented Giving
Fragmented Giving
Funding models change as donors focus on short term projects rather than long term funding. Some services suffer as their appeal fails to catch the millennial zeitgeist.
Read moreFree Banking from Non-traditional Players
Free Banking from Non-traditional Players
Innovative business models - underpinned by changing technology, consumer demand and governments pushing for cheaper or free banking - open the doors to new entrants from outside the sector that break old monopolies.
Read moreFree-trade Zones “In-a-Box”
Free-trade Zones “In-a-Box”
Free-trade zones rise in popularity and are replicated globally. As they help to enable economic growth and security, even in challenging environments, commercial success comes as they expand and merge.
Read moreFuture Focused
Future Focused
Organisations increasingly reflect a desire to care for the next generation, actively questioning the value of capital, implying a return to notions of tradition and of passing on a legacy that is about more than money.
Read moreFuture Options
Future Options
Society has two options relating to meeting demand growth – ‘predict and provide’ (responding to expected demand) and ‘decide and provide’ (shape change in the face of uncertain future needs).
Read moreFuture Proofing
Future Proofing
Greater attention needs to be given to how infrastructure can be ‘future proofed’ and made ready to accommodate the needs of a changing society.
Read moreFuzzy Boundaries
Fuzzy Boundaries
Social enterprises and community interest initiatives reduce the gap between the private and social sectors and provide greater opportunities to do good and create social value.
Read moreGenetic Cocktails
Genetic Cocktails
The ability to match ingredients to personal health traits drives the expansion of bespoke drinks designed to deliver functional as well as flavour benefits to the individual.
Read moreGlobal and Regional Agreements
Global and Regional Agreements
While bilateral trading relationships are more probable, the opportunity for global and regional agreements has to be pursued in order to show intent and direction of travel.
Read moreGlobal Privacy Treaty
Global Privacy Treaty
As different regions all seek to progress data regulation via the likes of APEC and the EU, the emergence of a global privacy framework is championed by those looking for control and transparency: A Geneva Convention for privacy?
Read moreGlobal vs. Bilateral Agreements
Global vs. Bilateral Agreements
A key question for the next decade will be whether we will be able to achieve true global agreements, or will bilateral trade agreements remain the way by which nations can better manage and control economic influence?
Read moreGlobal vs. Local
Global vs. Local
Technology is by its very nature global and data does not respect national boundaries. Can na0on states continue to set the rules or will tension in global interoperability drive us to design for global standards but with localised use?
Read moreGood Jobs
Good Jobs
Companies out-perform through a combination of better wages, investment in training, and appropriate technological investment to support staff… High value work benefits individuals, businesses, as well as society as a whole.
Read moreGovernment Intervention
Government Intervention
With loyalty platforms increasingly utilising personal data – and social media platforms providing private spaces for potentially undesirable behaviours – government intervention in loyalty models becomes more likely.
Read moreGrowing Consumer Awareness
Growing Consumer Awareness
The dream of affordable travel is being obscured by climate change and a growing awareness among consumers that sustainability and responsible travel are set to impact how we understand, embrace and manage our holiday plans.
Read moreGrowing Distrust
Growing Distrust
Growing awareness and distrust will increasingly become a factor in decision making for ordinary people – decisions about the products we use or abandon, the brands we associate with, the political leaders we elect.
Read moreGrowth of Mobile Point of Sale
Growth of Mobile Point of Sale
In the next ten years there will be a global acceptance of electronic payment products. We are nearly there with Square and iZettle. Such is their success it is expected that by 2019 46% of POS terminals will be mPOS.
Read moreGrowth of Special Economic Zones
Growth of Special Economic Zones
Although some see limits to their application, going forward Special Economic Zones are expected to play a continued major role in providing the facilities for accelerating change and improving trade efficiency.
Read moreHard Choices
Hard Choices
In a society where there is a widening gulf between rich and poor, the rich may live increasingly separate lives and provide for their own “public services”.
Read moreHealthcare for All
Healthcare for All
Globally healthcare is already well over a $6 trillion industry, but nearly 70% of the world population does not receive decent healthcare services. We need a revolution in order to service the en0re market.
Read moreHigher Yields
Higher Yields
With a focus on soil rejuvenation, better education of farmers and more widespread use of animal feeds, medium-sized Asian farms use proven technologies to more than triple output per acre and per litre of water.
Read moreHollowing Out the Professions
Hollowing Out the Professions
Technology is challenging the white-collar worker and automating both middle and high-end jobs. The future will see fewer accountants, lawyers and doctors and a hollowing out of the previously ‘safe’ professions.
Read moreI, Robot
I, Robot
We will see urgent debate on the accountability and ethicacy of machines and systems making autonomous decisions, using our data. Solutions will have profound implications for the development of data-driven technologies.
Read moreImaginative Alliances
Imaginative Alliances
In order to instigate positive change new alliances are formed between multiple organisations all prepared to share resources, creativity and intelligence. Increasingly the social sector choreographs this process.
Read moreImpact of Regulation
Impact of Regulation
The regions that gain most initially will be those where there is advanced regulation to act as a catalyst for AV deployment. Addressing information sharing, collaboration, and liability are critical.
Read moreImporters to Exporters
Importers to Exporters
Better data management, farmer education and genetics combine to enable more food to be produced from the same land. Previous net food-importing nations become self-sufficient and some become net exporters.
Read moreIn Control of Happiness
In Control of Happiness
We see measures of self-actualisation developing which are based on happiness and balance in life. These are dictated by individuals and not limited by external circumstances.
Read moreIn-Built Flexibility
In-Built Flexibility
Recognising that there is no perfect transport solution, policy makers increasingly bet on longer term options with built-in adaptability for changing technologies and infrastructure use.
Read moreIncentives in Flux
Incentives in Flux
Budgetary pressures continue and reimbursement models will need to change. There is greater emphasis on paying healthcare providers based on measurable outcomes, rather than simply for the number of procedures they perform.
Read moreIncreasing Competition for Grains
Increasing Competition for Grains
Changes in population and cuisine have led to a tremendous rise in the demand for animal-source protein. The competition between livestock and humans for grains and other high quality plant foods is a major challenge.
Read moreIncumbent Blockers
Incumbent Blockers
Several large, well-established organisations continue to seek to prevent change by arguing for short-term incremental shifts rather than wider, more collaborative system-based change that may benefit society in the long-term.
Read moreIndividual Control
Individual Control
New disruptive providers are seeking to put the individual in control of their personal data. In the process, they are seeking to dis-intermediate data-intensive businesses from their existing sources of data.
Read moreInequality Chasm
Inequality Chasm
Extreme social inequality combined with the increasing use of technology to deliver services numbs public understanding, dehumanising the needy and making it harder for NfPs and NGOs to attract funding and support.
Read moreInequality Dilemma
Inequality Dilemma
The inequality dichotomy in developing countries continues to expand, beyond just wealth and opportunity: Gender, race and skills gaps all increase and, even as some of the poorest see improvements, the wealthy pull further away.
Read moreInfectious Diseases Post-Ebola
Infectious Diseases Post-Ebola
The world prepares for infectious disease outbreaks with renewed vigor. There is increased preparation and coordination among both public and provider stakeholders and greater investments in early warning systems.
Read moreInfluence of Key Cities
Influence of Key Cities
As they grow cities become increasingly influential in their own right. Often centres for innovation, their reach stretches far beyond the confines of national boundaries as they position themselves as centres of excellence.
Read moreInformed Consent
Informed Consent
Given complex data flows, informed consent is increasingly challenging – so an alternative is needed: An accountability governance model incorporating ethics and respectful data use is a compelling substitute or complement.
Read moreInstability, Conflict and Event Risk
Instability, Conflict and Event Risk
There is an end to the equilibrium with increasing regional volatility and instability. Power, migrants and trade move to those states best able to build adaptive capacity, functional redundancy and resist protectionist pressures.
Read moreIntegrated Dollar Protection
Integrated Dollar Protection
As more disruptive technologies upset the status quo, international regulators collaborate to try to protect the US dollar as the global reserve currency and seek to enable an appropriate pace of change.
Read moreIntegrated Global Governance
Integrated Global Governance
Regulations to support global, regional and local transactions will increase. A set of global integrated standards for payments and services will emerge to which key regulators and merchants all sign up to.
Read moreInternational Security – a Public / Private Partnership?
International Security – a Public / Private Partnership?
Increasing global unrest and rising international fundamentalism challenge trade routes and places of production. Corporates enhance government security to protect assets and maintain safe working environments.
Read moreInvestment in Innovation
Investment in Innovation
There has been a global decline in agricultural R&D in the past four decades. There is now an urgent need to redouble the agricultural research effort. The new food producing system has to be science-based with low resource input.
Read moreKeeping Pace
Keeping Pace
We see a compression of timescales within which the state operates. The key question to answer is can governance keep pace with the changes in the rest of society?
Read moreKnowing The Unknown
Knowing The Unknown
By 2020 people and connected objects will generate 40 trillion gigabytes of data that will have an impact on daily life in one way or another. This data will make known about us things that were previously unknown or unknowable.
Read moreLast Mile Efficiency
Last Mile Efficiency
The benefits to be gained from bringing the same level of efficiency to the last mile as there is to the first thousand is attracting attention: There will be more focus on reducing inefficiencies around the final part of delivery.
Read moreLearning to Upgrade
Learning to Upgrade
A shift occurs in how education is delivered across the service industry globally. Blended learning, better brand application and capacity building in HR, results in a more data-led, multi-skilled workforce and so a better guest experience.
Read moreLengthening Relationships
Lengthening Relationships
With the sector under attack from outside, hospitality companies see the need for new points of contact that are different from the past: They want to lengthen relationships with customers both before and after the stay.
Read moreLess is Not More
Less is Not More
Increased automation allows us to produce more with less, decoupling the link between wages and productivity. Many national policies have to address an increasingly under employed workforce.
Read moreLessons From Large Cities
Lessons From Large Cities
Smaller cities and towns will increasingly adopt approaches that have worked in larger cities: Multi-modal, integrated transport options will be adapted and optimised for midi cities.
Read moreLife-long Learning
Life-long Learning
Education is a high priority for all nations to remain competitive in a global market place: It is increasingly available on line. Widespread internet access allows governments to make life-long learning available for those who want it.
Read moreLifespan Limits
Lifespan Limits
On a global scale, life expectancies in developed regions are continuing to rise in the 21st century and, although most people assume that there are biological limits on life span, so far there is little evidence that we are approaching them.
Read moreLifespan Limits
Lifespan Limits
On a global scale, life expectancies in developed regions are continuing to rise in the 21st century and, although most people assume that there are biological limits on life span, so far there is little evidence that we are approaching them.
Read moreLinkability of Open Data
Linkability of Open Data
No data will be truly anonymous: Current open data practice assumes that technology will be not be able to relink it to its source. This is not the case and so, by 2025, we will see different levels of de-identification.
Read moreLive Experiences
Live Experiences
Live sport and festivals are put on a pedestal - attracting cross-overs with other industries and greater technical innovation to enhance fan interactivity and audience engagement.
Read moreLiving in Glass Houses
Living in Glass Houses
If we get it right, we will be more comfortable to metaphorically ‘live in a glass house’, allowing our personal information to be widely accessible in return for the understanding that this enables a richer, more ‘attuned’ life as a result.
Read moreLiving Wage
Living Wage
Until very recently, the idea of a basic income, a minimum sum paid to all people regardless of their work status, was right of the fringe of political discourse. But it has been moving rapidly towards the mainstream.
Read moreLocal Foods
Local Foods
Increased transparency around food availability and security, land use and economic literacy accelerate greater consumption of locally grown and processed foods
Read moreLoopy ∞ Loyalty
Loopy ∞ Loyalty
Loopy ∞ Loyalty Brands will move beyond closed-loop transac4ons with individual customers, and seek to engage with social groups, especially on digital pladorms, enabling con4nuous product and service itera4on based on p2p/c2c sharing.
Read moreLove: Warts and All
Love: Warts and All
With corporate transparency becoming a necessity, businesses have to address it as both an opportunity and a threat. Successful brands will find ways to take customers with them - even as they reveal their less attractive sides.
Read moreLow Value Payments
Low Value Payments
One area that is likely to see significant transformation is low value payments - everyday, high-frequency purchases for which cash is used (typically sub $10 transactions) and make-up the bulk of cash transactions today.
Read moreLow-water Crops
Low-water Crops
With increased water stress and growing demand for food, more drought and/or salt resistant crops are developed and grown. This is supported by improved water management.
Read moreLower Growth Economy
Lower Growth Economy
Lower expectations for economic growth in many regions will see greater use of robots to increase productivity, changing spending patterns and a rise in the sharing economy.
Read moreLoyalty Experiences
Loyalty Experiences
For brands that aspire to creating customer loyalty in this disorderly world, there is a fundamental question that needs to be addressed. Quite simply, what will ‘loyalty’ be?
Read moreLoyalty from Top to Bottom
Loyalty from Top to Bottom
Driving an authentic loyalty offer will require companies to address the rising promiscuity of employees. Organisations will have to make a choice between facilitating increasingly flexible career-paths, or nurturing internal loyalty.
Read moreLoyalty is Convenience
Loyalty is Convenience
Loyal customer behaviours may be revealed starkly as being nothing more than convenience. In a world where consumers are agile and empowered – the most convenient options will win.
Read moreMaintaining Global Food Security
Maintaining Global Food Security
Over the next decade maintaining global food security will become much more difficult as the population increases. We must double food production in a sustainable manner.
Read moreMaking Compromises
Making Compromises
Reconciling the need for companies to act sustainably and in accordance with principles of international human rights with the local practices will require compromise to develop workable context and industry-specific guidelines.
Read moreMaking Work Work (for People and Work)
Making Work Work (for People and Work)
We will see a shift in priority from ‘money matters’ to ‘meaning matters’. This will lead to the emergence of community and wellbeing managers in organisations and new ways to measure success.
Read moreManufacturing vs. Services
Manufacturing vs. Services
One of the reasons for the boom in living standards in the C20th was because of the long boom in manufacturing, the dominant economic trend for much of the century. Productivity growth tends to fall as services become dominant.
Read moreMany Voices
Many Voices
A key challenge for the ASEAN region is leveraging regional diversity and culture beyond ethnic diversity: Age, gender, nationality and religion are all increasingly seen to have a place at the boardroom table.
Read moreMass Medical Tourism
Mass Medical Tourism
In key locations where hotel footprints align with the medical facilities, there will be growing demand for accommodation for patients, their families and healthcare professionals.
Read moreMasters of Our Data
Masters of Our Data
In 2025 there will be a seamless border between digital and real where the digital truth becomes the real truth. We should increase awareness of our digital shadow becoming ‘masters of our data’.
Read moreMaximising Moments
Maximising Moments
Individuals seek to maximise the benefits of moments available to them - whether efficiency, rest, enjoyment or otherwise - regardless of timespan and whether the moment was planned or enforced.
Read moreMeasuring and Reporting on Impacts
Measuring and Reporting on Impacts
Wider stakeholder representation in decision-making, the requirement to report against a wider set of measures and risks and the development of benchmarks and labelling to all industries are all being discussed.
Read moreMeasuring Good
Measuring Good
Despite the cost of collecting data, feedback from beneficiaries plays an increasing role in measuring success particularly when other outcomes are hard to measure.
Read moreMeeting Demand With Limited Capacity
Meeting Demand With Limited Capacity
There is a need for increased government capacity to deal with the increased demands placed on the state. In many countries, this has been exacerbated by an underinvestment in public sector capacity over the past few decades.
Read moreMiData
In the future, customers will retain full ownership of their own consumer data in machine-readable format, which they then opt to share with merchants. Some customers will hire ‘personal data managers’ to make this easy.
Read moreMillennial Induced Collaboration
Millennial Induced Collaboration
Collaboration for social impact becomes the norm as companies shift their emphasis to maintain attractive to demanding millennial customers and employees. NfPs no longer have the monopoly of doing good.
Read moreMillennial Managers
Millennial Managers
As more digital-native Millennials take the lead they bring different perspectives, experiences and expectations about societal challenges and the role of organisations. This drives a shift towards a deeper sense of purpose.
Read moreMind, Body and Spirit
Mind, Body and Spirit
We will see a growth in travel aimed at improvements in well-being. This will include a reawakening and revisiting of local spiritual traditions in countries where travel and travellers have, to now, been associated with modernity.
Read moreMobile Currency Convergence
Mobile Currency Convergence
Ambitions for convergence of payment types is accelerated by the creation of seamless mobile consumer experiences that unite multiple cash-less stores of value including a range of traditional and alternative currencies.
Read moreMobile Snacking
Mobile Snacking
With over 35% of breakfasts already consumed in the car, the US continues to lead the way in mobile foods, with near constant snacking replacing structured meals.
Read moreMore Demand: Less Efficient Production
More Demand: Less Efficient Production
The world’s output of iron ore has roughly tripled since 2000 and we now see declining grades of ore which require greater energy input per unit of output. Demand is increasing but production efficiency in some areas is declining.
Read moreMore Efficient Production
More Efficient Production
Food will need to be produced more efficiently. Increased productivity must come from a reduced land area and resource base. We will need to be less dependent on resources that are becoming scarce or more costly.
Read moreMore Niche Groups
More Niche Groups
More alternative groups, niche cults and ideologies bring together like-minded people from across traditional boundaries. Brands adapt to this rise by creating more niche product categories catering for smaller, dispersed 'tribes’.
Read moreMore, Not Less Waste
More, Not Less Waste
While many aspire to a zero waste system, we see growing volumes of waste especially in cities, particularly food waste – 30% of which is now thrown away every day in Europe.
Read moreMoving Water
Moving Water
Water sources will continue to suffer from over-extraction: Mining and other activities will move into our water supply catchments. This means we will need to move water long distances in times of drought to services existing cities.
Read moreMulti-factor Authentication
Multi-factor Authentication
Multi-factor authentication will become the norm ... authentication itself will become more secure as biometric technology from hand geometry, via face recognition and fingerprints to iris recognitions become more mainstream.
Read moreMulti-Generational Travel
Multi-Generational Travel
Many elect to travel together as multi-generation groups of both families and mixed friends. They look for vacations that keep everyone happy and, as such, stress many systems based on delivering segmented experiences.
Read moreMulti-Modal Hubs
Multi-Modal Hubs
Perhaps the most significant improvement is the multi-modal approach to air and rail. Many large German airports now have modern rail stations that allow air passengers to continue seamlessly by rail to many destinations.
Read moreNatural Plus
Natural Plus
The growing affluent consumers increasingly look for natural options in many areas of life and consumption - across food, cosmetics, household goods and clothing.
Read moreNeed for Change
Need for Change
Technological advances and fiscal and regulatory measures are needed to address adverse impacts of the transport system and its use.
Read moreNeed for Change
Need for Change
Technological advances and fiscal and regulatory measures are needed to address adverse impacts of the transport system and its use.
Read moreNew Exchange and Distribution Models
New Exchange and Distribution Models
Connected consumers co-create new forms of exchange and distribution, which are sensitive to cultural differences and often local in nature. This reduces waste and maintains the individuality and variety of products.
Read moreNew Finance Business Models
New Finance Business Models
FinTech creates new opportunities for the delivery of better business, consumer service and financial inclusion. But it also has the potential to open up businesses and consumers to greater fraud and exploitation.
Read moreNew Models of Legitimacy
New Models of Legitimacy
Interdependent issues and collective intelligence re-designs governance and civic participation, maturing from small scale start ups to broader based collaborations where success is judged by wide scale impact.
Read moreNew Trade Dialogue
New Trade Dialogue
As legacy institutions become irrelevant, in order for trade to flourish, there is a need for new forms of social interaction and ability to communicate across cultures. This emerges around new, high growth trading routes.
Read moreNew Trading Routes
New Trading Routes
The next decade will see the post-war routes eclipsed by the power of the Indian Ocean region with new port construction plus proposed railways from coast-to-coast across South America showing the shape of things to come.
Read moreNon-indigenous Foods
Non-indigenous Foods
Although demand for exotic ingredients rises, there will be increased awareness of the environmental consequences of growing non-indigenous crops. More informed consumers choose indigenous produce.
Read moreNon-Linear Education Paths
Non-Linear Education Paths
Building on the success of open courses, there will be a rise in non-linear education paths. Success will be re-defined to include self-actualisation and micro-badging will gain credibility. International benchmarks will emerge.
Read moreNudge too Far
Nudge too Far
Nudge policies are popular with governments and can positively impact behaviour. Some see these as a push too far, removing any remaining sense of agency from those already disenfranchised and on the fringes.
Read moreNutritionally Balanced Foods
Nutritionally Balanced Foods
Increasing demand for more affordable, nutritious food leads to better understanding of the links between food, physiology and health - and a revisiting of the past when food was more functional and less aesthetic.
Read moreOrganisation 3.0
Organisation 3.0
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As such the nature of work and the role of organisations itself blurs.
Read moreOrganised Growth
Organised Growth
Charity CEOs cease to be measured against organisational growth and instead focus on delivering outcomes that permanently address their original target. In so doing they set a timetable for their own relevance.
Read moreOutdated Measures of Success
Outdated Measures of Success
In a network, the state is but one of many stakeholders. Without economies of scale through centralisation, common market-based measures of state performance, like efficiency and productivity, also become less useful.
Read moreOver-tired and Over-worked
Over-tired and Over-worked
Our definition of success and the adoption of an always-connected work-life have made the millennial generation more stressed and over-tired than any other. The high-achievers will continue to pay a high price for success.
Read moreOverhead Avoidance
Overhead Avoidance
Systems, salaries and training in not-for-profit organisations often suffer from lack of investment as these organisations feel pressured by funders (and other) expectations to maintain unrealistic overhead ratios.
Read moreOwning Your Digital Shadow
Owning Your Digital Shadow
Consumers are increasingly aware of the value of their digital footprints. This drives the desire for greater control of personal data, balancing convenience and benefit.
Read moreParticipatory Government
Participatory Government
One of the ways that the state can legitimize itself to its constituents might be to facilitate the building of relationships with the people and other sectors to co-provide solutions to problems.
Read morePatchwork Legislation
Patchwork Legislation
A diversity of regulation and standards from state to state continues to restrict policing and provide opportunities for exploitation. But cross-border trust and cooperation will still present barriers for many na0ons.
Read morePaying for Privacy
Paying for Privacy
We do not currently understand the value of our data or how it is being used and so are giving it away. In the future we might be willing to pay more for our privacy than the data we share.
Read morePayment Systems Challenged
Payment Systems Challenged
Distributed ledger technology enables direct exchange to take place without recourse to a trusted third party and at a fraction of the cost. Blockchain is to payments, currency and trade what email was for the postal service.
Read morePeak Globalisation
Peak Globalisation
Globalisation is reaching its limits. Wages in export sectors in both China and India are now relatively high and companies are moving their production closer to their markets, wanting to be able to respond more flexibly to demand.
Read morePeer Power
Peer Power
Aggregation occurs in hotel/peer review sites alongside integration with consumers’ personal trusted networks. This gives guests advice they can trust and greater consistency of ratings globally.
Read morePerfect Storm
Perfect Storm
The explanation that seems best to fit present state of work is that it has been through a “perfect storm” of a globalised workforce, the deskilling of routine work and the shift of these workers into manual or service work.
Read morePersonal Data Store
Personal Data Store
Led by developments in authentication systems, new personal data platforms migrate into the world of marketing. These lead to seamless and universally accepted credentials stores that share data with multiple brand partners.Personal Data Store
Read morePersonal Faith – Public Expression
Personal Faith – Public Expression
For some, faith provides emotional security during times of hardship but feel uncomfortable in the pubic expression of religion and its integration in society. Others see that faith establishes moral standards in the community.
Read morePersonal Mobility Accounts
Personal Mobility Accounts
Consumers have a single, digital mobility account that is recognisable and accepted by everyone in the eco-system. They also use / sell their mobility data to multiple service providers via local / regional data brokerages.
Read morePersonalised Choice
Personalised Choice
Consumers enjoy a world where choice is a commodity but where trusted opinions play a critical role in guiding and assisting decisions or, for some individuals, reducing choices on their behalf.
Read morePersonalised Healthcare
Personalised Healthcare
For the privileged few with access, personalised healthcare tailored around individual medical and psycho-social needs provides therapies that are better aligned with specific rather than generic profiles.
Read morePersonally Curated Data
Personally Curated Data
‘Personally curated’ sources of data will have higher value simply due to the fact that they will represent the actual wishes and desires of an individual, rather than the presumed wishes and desires based on derived data.
Read morePointless Points
Pointless Points
Will the ability to make prices dynamic, rewards instant, and responses to consumer demands individually relevant, all mean that traditional loyalty models become meaningless or (to use an excruciating pun) pointless?
Read morePolyamourous Loyalty
Polyamourous Loyalty
Brands begin to embrace customer promiscuity, finding ways to recognise their emergent desire to build a patchwork identity through diverse and conflicting choices.
Read morePositive Immigration
Positive Immigration
Economists agree that immigration is good for economies. Migrants tend to be younger, more enterprising, and economically active, and their effect on wages, economic growth and tax contributions is almost completely positive.
Read morePositive Local Impact
Positive Local Impact
Travellers will base buying decisions not only around comfortable beds, leisure facilities or cultural attractions, they will also choose to stay in places where staff are being treated well and the local economy is not being exploited.
Read morePost Modern Workplaces
Post Modern Workplaces
We are on the cusp of a transition to a world where, half of the populations of Europe and the United States subscribe to post-modern values of autonomy and diversity. The workplace will not escape this trend.
Read morePredictive Not Retrospective
Predictive Not Retrospective
Traditional loyalty rewards and schemes involve measuring past customer behaviours and transactions. In the future reward could be linked to the prediction or presumption of ways customers might behave in the future.
Read morePrivacy Agents
Privacy Agents
The difficulties in extracting value from our data while protecting our privacy sees the emergence of new professions. Look out for ‘privacy agents’ and ‘data brokers’ acting as intermediaries and managing the flow of our data.
Read morePrivacy as a Luxury
Privacy as a Luxury
The right to privacy becomes more difficult to enforce, but the wealthy continue to take ac0on when information is misused. Privacy could be a luxury in the near term – but may become more widely available in the longer term.
Read morePrivacy as Competition
Privacy as Competition
Privacy is not about the individual – it is all about the value of data. Therefore we will see increasing data fragmentation as companies seek to use data for competitive advantage and create new barriers to entry.
Read morePrivacy Crimes: Data Hostages
Privacy Crimes: Data Hostages
Criminals have always invaded privacy, but new threats emerge as our digital selves increasingly become potentially valuable hostages. Stronger privacy rights will need to be backed by knowledge of where we are most vulnerable.
Read morePrivacy Education Race
Privacy Education Race
Programmes of ‘privacy education’ emerge to combat mass-desensitisation to the sharing of private data. However this will not prevent ‘privacy coronaries’ – the result of returning to bad habits after privacy viola0ons.
Read morePrivacy for the Next Generation
Privacy for the Next Generation
With 1/3 of Internet users under 18, adult regulation struggles to protect the young while giving them authentic expression. In-built defaults and sophisticated assessments seek to mitigate risk but with no major shift.
Read morePrivacy is a Public Issue
Privacy is a Public Issue
The public’s perception of the threats to privacy, personal freedom and autonomy is growing. Privacy has already emerged beyond a niche, specialist concern to being a mainstream public issue.
Read morePrivacy Rights
Privacy Rights
We see more robust privacy rights better suited to the digital age. These may include rights to anonymity and personal data ownership, but also innovative rights to ‘digital self-determination’ or ‘the right to change our minds’.
Read morePrivacy Visibility
Privacy Visibility
The security industry has been es0mated to be worth $350 Billion in the US alone; security is a sophisticated and maturing market. The ‘privacy industry’ by contrast is hardly recognisable at all.
Read morePrivate Investment in State Infrastructure
Private Investment in State Infrastructure
Continued decline of trust in Governments leads to more private capital filling the gaps left by inadequate governance and inappropriate investment. This includes more interventions in energy, transport and education.
Read moreProcessed Foods
Processed Foods
More, but healthier, ready-prepared and ready-to-eat foods are adopted in key regions where ‘wet’ markets currently predominate: In some countries the benefits of frozen foods over fresh are championed by governments.
Read moreProliferation of Currencies
Proliferation of Currencies
People will increasingly use multiple forms of currency in different contexts: alongside national legal tender, we will see more local and crypto-currencies – many decoupled from existing systems.
Read morePublic Data
Public Data
Economically connected data can play a significant role that will benefit not only private commerce but also national economies and their citizens. Analysis can provide the public sector with a new world of performance potential.
Read morePublic Privacy
Public Privacy
The regulated press / unregulated Internet continue to push the boundaries of information sharing: Everyone’s personal information is in the public domain, but there are differing cultural expectations about what constitutes privacy.
Read morePublic-Private City Partnerships
Public-Private City Partnerships
To collectively address major urban challenges, as shown by Medellin in Colombia, governments increasingly openly collaborate with business to improve the institutional fabric of cities as well as core infrastructure.
Read moreQuality End of Life
Quality End of Life
As more seek to live longer but die fast, making the most of the end of our lives is a growing concern. Being healthier for longer and needing to work longer combine to be economically and socially more active in later years.
Read moreQuantified Value
Quantified Value
The power of data is in the hands of those who are able to organise it. But who will be able to define what is fully accurate and true information before it can be quantified and therefore have value?
Read moreReaching the Limits
Reaching the Limits
Growing populations and rising consumer demand related to higher standards of living across all societies are increasing consumption of resources and we are in danger of exceeding the Earth’s natural thresholds.
Read moreReadiness for Water Scarcity
Readiness for Water Scarcity
Currently half of the world’s cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants are situated in areas experiencing water scarcity. To date neither governments nor businesses have done enough to prepare for this.
Read moreReal Cost of Water
Real Cost of Water
Users are likely to have to pay for the real cost of infrastructure. One short-term option is the financial recycling of assets and capital. However, in the longer-term we will have to pay the true value for key resources.
Read moreRealising Potential
Realising Potential
Valued companies and institutions go out of their way to ensure, equip and enable colleagues, individuals and communities to thrive and so fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
Read moreReciprocity
Organisations demonstrate new forms of reciprocity suggesting ways of bypassing or improving upon the dominant consumer model that means more than shareholder value.
Read moreRedefining Citizen and State
Redefining Citizen and State
Community engagement will come to define the relationship between citizens and the state. Boundaries will become blurred and power will become increasingly decentralised.
Read moreRediscovering Purpose
Rediscovering Purpose
Before the myth of shareholder value, companies had a responsibility to a wider set of stakeholders. We need to revisit the purpose of the organisation and understand why in some parts of the world we have lost our way.
Read moreReducing Food Waste
Reducing Food Waste
Post-harvest losses of foods in developing countries can amount to 30-50% of production. In developed countries a similar proportion is wasted: Minimising this loss, that could feed 3 billion people, is driven by better data collection.
Read moreReducing Food Waste
Reducing Food Waste
Postharvest losses of foods in developing countries can amount to 30-50% of production. In developed countries a similar proportion is wasted: Minimising this loss, that could feed 3 billion people, is driven by better data collection.
Read moreReigniting Passion
Reigniting Passion
The social sector distances itself from the implementation of government policies and re-establishes action through principle and values. Passion for positive change reignites proactive community involvement.
Read moreReinventing Diets
Reinventing Diets
Our relationship with food must change. We will need to reinvent our diets to meet our nutritional requirements for optimal health and in so doing consume fewer calories and less meat: We must be prepared to pay realistic prices.
Read moreResources Shaping the Future Landscape
Resources Shaping the Future Landscape
Resource criticality, resource security, emerging legislation around closed-loop supply chains and new labeling standards for waste will all combine to shape and define the future business landscape.
Read moreResponsible and Inclusive
Responsible and Inclusive
Look out for growth in travel focused on learning about, experiencing or positively affecting ecological conservation, economic development and local community improvements, cultural respect or human rights.
Read moreResponsible Business
Responsible Business
Regulatory changes should support a vision of business that provides a level playing field based on the ‘do no harm’ principle and internalization of externalities.
Read moreRewarding B2B Loyalty
Rewarding B2B Loyalty
Leveraging high-value relationships between corporates means going beyond ‘more savings’ for loyal customers. B2B relationships come to resemble the more qualitative interactions already found between customers and brands.
Read moreRise in Religious Followings
Rise in Religious Followings
There is a rise in the number of conservative religious communities – some genuine, some underground. These heighten regional tensions but also act as a catalyst to open or change viewpoints to pragmatically suit local needs.
Read moreRising Cyber Security
Rising Cyber Security
Greater interconnectivity and the Internet of Things creates new vulnerabilities for governments and corporations - as the unscrupulous and the criminal increasingly seek to exploit weakness and destroy systems.
Read moreRising Cyber-crime
Rising Cyber-crime
Cyberspace is about to undergo yet another massive change as the Internet of Things connects billions of new devices making cyber-crime even more challenging to prevent and control.
Read moreSatisfying a Better Educated Workforce
Satisfying a Better Educated Workforce
As travel industry employees are more educated, increased pressure is placed on management to better serve the workforce and their needs. A greater focus on human capital develops leadership and embraces diversity.
Read moreSeamless Cross Border Travel
Seamless Cross Border Travel
Smart visas, indeed, smart ticketing in general for mass transit provides a tangible way forward in addressing some of the barriers to the seamless growth of cross border visitor numbers.
Read moreSeamless Ubiquitous Payments
Seamless Ubiquitous Payments
The ability to ‘transact anywhere’ with integrated, sophisticated authentication such as biometrics increases: More contactless technology and a convergence of standards, enable global information exchanges.
Read moreSecond Green Revolution
Second Green Revolution
Another Green Revolution is required but today’s revolution must be different to overcome environmental, financial and societal constraints. It is no longer possible to use unlimited water and chemical inputs to increase production.
Read moreSecuring Sustainable Society
Securing Sustainable Society
The benefits of making data open, especially for solving some of society’s greatest problems, will drive governments to insist that certain private data sets are made public, democratising data-use and driving social innovation.
Read moreSecurity vs. Convenience
Security vs. Convenience
The balance between convenience and security with border controls coming under increasing strain as they deal with huge volumes of people travelling internationally at a 0me when fears around global security are high.
Read moreSecurity vs. Convenience
Security vs. Convenience
The balance between convenience and security with border controls coming under increasing strain as they deal with huge volumes of people travelling internationally at a time when fears around global security are high.
Read moreSetting the Moral Compass
Setting the Moral Compass
Integrity is separate from the process of corporate governance and the rule of law. Although not yet fully ingrained in corporate life, some see a higher sense of ethics in Asia in comparison with the West.
Read moreShifting Balance
Shifting Balance
The delivery focus moves beyond activities, people and organisations to focus on driving system and social change. This requires increased collaboration between public, private and social sectors.
Read moreShifting Power To The Individual
Shifting Power To The Individual
This potential for economic disruption to come to the aid of privacy by shifting power over data from the organisation to the individual is one of the most significant emerging trends.
Read moreShifting Risk and Responsibility
Shifting Risk and Responsibility
Business becomes more actively engaged in the wellbeing of its employees and society. Greater responsibility for health is incentivised by tax breaks and reimbursements designed to share risk, with lessons taken from elsewhere.
Read moreShifting The Dial
Shifting The Dial
As our individual and collective footprints become more tangible and better communicated, bold moves to shift the dial are needed across the board. New management approaches and business models are needed.
Read moreShifting Values
Shifting Values
As the system comes under greater stress, old priori0es are rejected and an improved approach is adopted. Financial metrics are balanced with those better reflecting society’s values around happiness, health and well-being.
Read moreSilver Surfers
Silver Surfers
Over 60’s, the Active Third Age, are staying active longer as they aim to keep the body and mind stimulated. From 2002 – 2014 the volume increase in water sports participation in the age bracket of those aged 55+ stands at 66%.
Read moreSimplified Last Mile Delivery
Simplified Last Mile Delivery
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery will replace inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution: Efficiency in moving things will be as important as efficiency in moving people.
Read moreSkill Concentrations
Skill Concentrations
The growth of the nomadic global elite citizenship accelerates the concentration of the high-skill / high-reward opportunities within a select group of globally-connected citizens, who move ahead of the urban pack.
Read moreSkill Concentrations
Skill Concentrations
The growth of the nomadic global elite citizenship accelerates the concentration of the high-skill / high-reward opportunities within a select group of globally-connected citizens, who move ahead of the urban pack.
Read moreSkills Flight vs Social Isolation
Skills Flight vs Social Isolation
Economic migrants to move to regional economic centres of excellence. More fragmented, imbalanced societies are left behind, with surplus low-skilled labour, falling wages and a rise in political isolation and aggression.
Read moreSleeping Eagle – Waking Dragon
Sleeping Eagle – Waking Dragon
China uses economic might and soft diplomacy to reshape the world order, usurp the dollar and dominate world trade. As a result migration to Asia increases, changing established market places. Africa will suffer as a result.
Read moreSmart Aviation
Smart Aviation
Digitally-enabled passengers, intelligent passenger screening and pilotless aircraft deliver greater safety, speed and efficiency. Flying time decreases and trade increases as we fly more efficiently, more often.
Read moreSmart Mindfulness
Smart Mindfulness
We take more care of our smartphones than we do of ourselves. Many corporations adopt new technology to help workers manage stress and remain both physically and mentally fit and productive.
Read moreSocial Sector’s Heart-to-Heart
Social Sector’s Heart-to-Heart
Competition for funding and separate agendas continue to impede shared learning within the charitable sector and prohibits collaboration and agreement about where it adds real value.
Read moreSocietal Stratification
Societal Stratification
Inequality gaps persist between / within countries. This leads to a stratification of society and greater potential for forced dislocation among the disenfranchised and, in some cases, violent acts of revolt.
Read moreSources of Global Solutions
Sources of Global Solutions
Global healthcare affordability will not come from the Unites States ... but rather from those nations of the world that have little today and have no choice but to perform at the highest levels possible in the future.
Read moreSpending Choices
Spending Choices
There is a shift in social investment toward capacity building and system change because, despite best efforts, too much government money gets lost in the system and too much philanthropic money is misdirected.
Read moreStarting the Conversation
Starting the Conversation
Water is inter-twined with everything we do; energy, food, health and wellbeing, manufacturing are all dependent on its availability. At the very least we need to start a public conversation about its real role in our lives.
Read moreStratified Care
Stratified Care
In response to longer lives with chronic diseases, we see more ‘stratified care’ - providing acute services to those with greatest need, and enabling others with information and tools to self-manage at home and in the community.
Read moreStreaming Faith
Streaming Faith
Religions increasingly extend their networks via technology platforms connecting directly to believers - adding to the diversity of beliefs: Individuals choose their faith irrespective of culture or family tradition.
Read moreStronger Regulation
Stronger Regulation
Regulation will get tougher: Policy makers will act to toughen laws, even though they move at geological speeds compared to the rate of technology development.
Read moreSupply Webs Not Chains
Supply Webs Not Chains
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains are replaced by more regional, consumer-orientated supply webs and networks
Read moreSupporting Overwhelmed Travellers
Supporting Overwhelmed Travellers
With access to seemingly endless information, travellers will continue to need help ‘connecting the dots’ and filtering. The gathering of useful local and authentic knowledge from meaningful (human) sources will be key.
Read moreSupporting the Ageing Workforce
Supporting the Ageing Workforce
As major economies suffer from increasing dependency ratios, the challenge of supporting an increasingly older workforce demands rethinking of life-long learning and broader acceptance of the cost of part-time flexible jobs.
Read moreSurplus People
Surplus People
We need to make positive choices to avoid a world of increased automation with surplus people seeking employment and greater economic exploitation of those in work.
Read moreSustainable Consumption
Sustainable Consumption
Part of the solution is the development of consumption patterns that meet requirements in a safe, nutritious and affordable manner. In developed countries this will mean learning to eat sustainably with less reliance on meat.
Read moreSustainable Healthcare
Sustainable Healthcare
With limited resources, rising demand and escalating costs, decoupling healthcare spend from economic growth is a global challenge. A more sustainable, integrated model may emerge from beyond the US/EU.
Read moreTaking Hard Decisions
Taking Hard Decisions
We know that there is a growing urban population; climate change is taking effect and that the volatility in water supply can only be partially mitigated by improved efficiency. We have yet to decide how to address the problem.
Read moreTargeted Health Foods
Targeted Health Foods
More customised foods, blur the line between pharmaceuticals and food as neutragenomics allow individualised diets to fit genetic profiles
Read moreTechnology Takeover
Technology Takeover
There is a widespread fear that the rise of robots - or more exactly, a combination of computing power, algorithms and robotics - will destroy the labour market, even, possibly, the very idea of labour value.
Read moreTechnology to the Rescue
Technology to the Rescue
The machines will help us manage our privacy: Technology will enable people to protect themselves and killer apps will let people collect and share their data for the ‘public good’.
Read moreTension in the South China Sea
Tension in the South China Sea
As different nations with competing territorial and jurisdictional claims seek to exert greater maritime influence, the South China Sea becomes a focal point for access to reserves of oil and gas and wider control of key shipping lanes.
Read moreTension with Regulation
Tension with Regulation
Some regional regulatory interventions protect consumers whilst others prevent innovation by limiting use of new technologies. A power struggle between brands and government emerges around wider data sharing and use.
Read moreTension with Regulation
Tension with Regulation
Some regional regulatory interventions protect consumers whilst others prevent innovation by limiting use of new technologies. A power struggle between brands and government emerges around wider data sharing and use.
Read moreThe Ageing Market
The Ageing Market
Supporting ageing nations creates new service businesses and drives migration of both carers and the aged. Associated value creation shifts to align around global population imbalances.
Read moreThe Changing Nature of Privacy
The Changing Nature of Privacy
International frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal data: The balance between government protection, security, personal privacy and public good is an increasingly political issue.
Read moreThe Climate Change Challenge
The Climate Change Challenge
Climate change can no longer be ignored. While many are now looking at improving the resilience of their facilities to more extreme weather, how many will also seek to adapt to the new world of 4C of global warming?
Read moreThe Composite Consumer
The Composite Consumer
Flexible digital identities allow consumers to connect with each other even as they connect with brands. Loyal relationships will be made not just with individual customers but also with families, couples, and groups of friends.
Read moreThe Composite Consumer
The Composite Consumer
Flexible digital identities allow consumers to connect with each other even as they connect with brands. Loyal relationships will be made not just with individual customers but also with families, couples, and groups of friends.
Read moreThe Decline of Shareholder Value
The Decline of Shareholder Value
Will large companies with dispersed shareholders be the dominant model across all markets or will they be replaced by a mix of alternative models better suited to meeting the long term needs of a wide range of stakeholders?
Read moreThe Fall of Traditional Trade Institutions
The Fall of Traditional Trade Institutions
Civil society and changing business norms challenge the calcified, outpaced and increasingly irrelevant state, government and global institutions. The digital, open source, IP sharing economy plays by different rules and agreements.
Read moreThe Focus of Faith
The Focus of Faith
History suggests the focus of human faith has shifted from organized religion to nation states to corporations. Looking ahead some will put their faith in networks while others will return to traditional religion for spiritual guidance
Read moreThe Fun Factor
The Fun Factor
As attraction and retention for jobs becomes more competitive in a freelance world, companies aim to “elevate” the workplace experience - reducing routine drudgery and emphasizing self-actualising, fun experiences.
Read moreThe Funding Challenge
The Funding Challenge
Water treatment can come at a high price. Around USD50 trillion will be needed worldwide in the period to 2030 to satisfy the global demand for infrastructure. However, accessing funding is an ever-present challenge.
Read moreThe Funding Challenge
The Funding Challenge
In austere financial times there is a significant challenge for governments being able to fund the maintenance of the existing transport system and investment in new infrastructure.
Read moreThe Generation Divide
The Generation Divide
The perspective gap grows between the expectations of the young, who are increasingly global in their outlook, and the more traditional views of more senior and experienced colleagues.
Read moreThe Global Challenge
The Global Challenge
The global challenge of work is two-fold. First, will automation, in its various forms, destroy jobs? And second, even if not, will workers be paid enough to sustain the global economic system?
Read moreThe Human Touch
The Human Touch
In a world of global and digital marketing and consumption, consumers will increasingly favour those brands that can offer more emotional engagements, and specifically human-to-human contact.
Read moreThe Human Touch
The Human Touch
In a world of global and digital marketing and consumption, consumers will increasingly favour those brands that can offer more emotional engagements, and specifically human-to-human contact.
Read moreThe Increasing Value of Data
The Increasing Value of Data
As organisations grab more data, it becomes a currency with a value and a price: It therefore requires marketplaces – transparent ecosystems for trading data - so anything that is information is represented in data marketplaces.
Read moreThe Influence / Need Gap
The Influence / Need Gap
People dependent on the provisions of government are not those who pay or influence decisions taken. As the inequality gap grows, those making decisions are increasingly out of touch with society’s real needs.
Read moreThe Long Water
The Long Water
Wealthy nations with water security challenges lead in the development of collaborative, long-term governance models that move away from supply-oriented governance to demand management and polluter responsibility.
Read moreThe Many Faces of Privacy
The Many Faces of Privacy
Different interpretations of privacy, many from different cultures, challenge existing models. Global frameworks may become more consistent while implementations are localised and diverse, making 'privacy borders' a reality.
Read moreThe Personal Data Dilemma
The Personal Data Dilemma
Lurking ominously in the background there is also the questions of to what extent consumers will allow us to collect and use their personal informations, and what they will expect in return?
Read moreThe Privacy Illusion
The Privacy Illusion
There is a rising general belief in the right to data privacy and the right to data security. Both are illusions: Security is impossible without increased monitoring - and so true privacy is also impossible.
Read moreThe Rise of Machines
The Rise of Machines
The growth in the intelligence and capabilities of machines presents both a threat and an opportunity: Greater AI and automation free up 0me, but also threaten jobs - both low skilled and managerial / administrative roles.
Read moreThe Rise of Machines
The Rise of Machines
The growth in the intelligence and capabilities of machines presents both a threat and an opportunity. Greater automation frees up 0me, but also has the potential to threaten more jobs in managerial or administrative roles.
Read moreThe Role of Africa
The Role of Africa
Led by a growing number of breakaway countries showing economic and political progress, the next 1bn consumers in Africa join the global market. Barriers to trade are lifted and infrastructure is improved.
Read moreThe Sharing Economy will be Regulation-light
The Sharing Economy will be Regulation-light
Consumers will become more loyal to business models that connect them to other people. Personal relationships will dominate - but within the safety of recognised global networks that act as insurance/reassurance for users.
Read moreThe Supply / Demand Challenge
The Supply / Demand Challenge
Will it be possible to provide equitable access to water and sanitation services when by 2030 the world will face a 40% global shortfall between forecast demand and available supply?
Read moreThe Talent Challenge
The Talent Challenge
As the global workforce becomes more mobile, how will organisations attract and retain top talent and how will governments ensure they provide them with the relevant education that will allow economies to thrive?
Read moreThe Third Space for Data
The Third Space for Data
By 2025, a new place for data emerges - between public and private. This is driven by "data philanthropy" and the dona0on of data for social purposes such as healthcare and improving our ability to respond to disasters.
Read moreThe Voice of Youth
The Voice of Youth
Younger consumers are more difficult to pin down but they are more willing to share. Brands can speak to the youth in these terms, creating opportunities for interaction, but also more personal, human, experiences and relationships.
Read moreThird Sector Consensus
Third Sector Consensus
Society’s continuing dependence on the third sector to take on roles traditionally provided by the state calls for it to better define and co-ordinate its collective approach, impact and needs.
Read moreThose Who Hold the Purse Strings
Those Who Hold the Purse Strings
Doing good is value-laden. The agenda is shaped by government and the wealthy. The third sector continues to bow to this, potentially limiting innovation and the possibility of change.
Read moreThoughtful Consumption
Thoughtful Consumption
The essence of markets, of production and of buying habits are all influenced by a growing awareness of global and local issues which help individuals and organisations to better form consumption decisions accordingly.
Read moreTo Have and To Hold
To Have and To Hold
Porous access controls and the risk of future liabilities highlight to many that there is benefit in destroying data that is not needed – especially HR, customer and pricing information.
Read moreTransactional vs. Emotional
Transactional vs. Emotional
Seamless payments will distance consumers from understanding monetary value. Brands will have to reconsider the way they connect to customers providing more holistic and emotional value.
Read moreTransactional vs. Emotional
Transactional vs. Emotional
Seamless payments will distance consumers from understanding monetary value. Brands will have to reconsider the way they connect to customers providing more holistic and emotional value.
Read moreTransformation Ahead
Transformation Ahead
The move into the motor age was, over a period of decades, transformative for society and for transport. Further transformation is all but inevitable.
Read moreTransport and Society
Transport and Society
Transport systems need to contribute to supporting and improving society rather than only serving it and risking unintended, unanticipated and unwelcome consequences.
Read moreTravel Mindsets, Not Segments
Travel Mindsets, Not Segments
Through better staff training and improved use of connected data, travel organisations are able to target based on situations, not segments, allowing the mindset of the guest – not an age bracket – to drive their experience.
Read moreTravelers in Control
Travelers in Control
Connectivity everywhere will redefine research, decision-making, marketing and experiences. This leads to a richer environment for travelers and the opportunity for them to ‘make it their own’ including the spontaneous.
Read moreTriple-Access Solutions
Triple-Access Solutions
Focus should be upon developing a balanced triple-access system of transport, physical proximity and digital connectivity system that may transcend the traditional remits of government departments.
Read moreTrust and Integrity of the System
Trust and Integrity of the System
As more individual control and simplicity is sought, how will the privacy continuum evolve, will tokenisation diminish security concerns and do we know what trust will mean in the future?
Read moreTrusted Reviews
Trusted Reviews
Social peer review data is combined with other qualitative insight, to separate the authentic reviews from the fake and 'bought’. New regulation in the review space also helps create equal opportunities to compete for trade.
Read moreTruth to Power
Truth to Power
There continues to be a need for services for the vulnerable - underpinned by independent research, direct representation and advocacy to help shape public policy: arguably the importance of speaking truth to power remains constant.
Read moreTwo Main Challenges
Two Main Challenges
There are two main challenges ahead for the development of a robust travel and tourism industry: how to grow further to deliver jobs, exports, economic growth and development, and in doing so, how to manage this sustainably.
Read moreTwo Tier Trade
Two Tier Trade
The parallel, underground economy grows as an alternative to the formal economy. It is driven both by those who do not wish to meet standards, regulation and ethical criteria, and those who cannot afford to.
Read moreTwo-Way Trust
Two-Way Trust
An increase in trust between employees and employers builds greater alignment and enables democratisation of the workplace, more flexible ways of working and more effective organisations.
Read moreUnbundling of Payments Value Chain
Unbundling of Payments Value Chain
Greater competition, new innovations and changing regulations will mean that the current value chain will spread out, removing steps and so reducing costs for both consumers and suppliers.
Read moreUnchartered Waters
Unchartered Waters
The issues facing oceans have led to the establishment of a UN Sustainable Development Goal dedicated to ocean conservation. As problems become more visible to many we will see increased recognition of the need for better governance.
Read moreUnder the Skin
Under the Skin
As wearables and implants become commonplace and workforces are freelance and portfolio-based, the ability of organisations to own or control corporate information held on personal devices is significantly diminished.
Read moreUniversal Healthcare Data Access
Universal Healthcare Data Access
Information silos are connected via third par0es able to unify, mine and discover new insights. Integrated public and private datasets provide holistic views of the individual and value shifts to decision-making analytics.
Read moreUniversal Identity
Universal Identity
With increasing technology convergence, dependence on security is paramount as systems, customer data and trust can be compromised. A highly secure, but easy to use, universal identity platform emerges.
Read moreUnpredictable Growth
Unpredictable Growth
In some countries, economies struggle to maintain growth as increased productivity and entrepreneurship is limited by fluctuating regulation and the challenge of running a free market economy.
Read moreUp Close and Personal
Up Close and Personal
Consumers are increasingly in the driving seat and aware of the use of their data. We may see loyalty U-turn: With greater transparency in place, brands will have work ensure consumer loyalty not the other way around.
Read moreUp-Stream Insight
Up-Stream Insight
Companies and networks have, and act on, very early insight on future ‘intent to travel’ and customise services to suit. Existing hotel brand relationships are by-passed by those more ‘in the know’ about guest interests.
Read moreUrban Farming
Urban Farming
Driven by city food-security targets and innovative production systems, urban farming plays an increasingly significant role in many regions: reclaiming waste ground and reducing supply chain complexity.
Read moreUrban Obesity
Urban Obesity
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. As half population is overweight, levels of obesity in cities are growing fast and the associated healthcare burden will account for 5% of global GDP.
Read moreValue of Data
Value of Data
There is undoubtedly a huge economic incentive to generate and collect data from whatever sources it becomes available. As more data from more things becomes available, we can expect to see a data “land grab” by organisations.
Read moreValuing Eco-system Services
Valuing Eco-system Services
Growing recognition of the economic value of ecosystem services leads to core business considerations which recognise their explicit value. Natural capital/assets will become more commonplace in accounting systems.
Read moreValuing Time
Valuing Time
Technology-enabled connections provide more headspace and heart-space that displace the frustrations and ‘lost time’ that travellers needlessly suffer. This helps them to get more value from their time spent travelling.
Read moreWater as an Issue
Water as an Issue
Greater awareness of water access, scarcity and control, alongside visibility on the true value of water, all drive wider recognition of the challenge. But, in some regions, the absence of a major crisis delays political and social action.
Read moreWater Resistance
Water Resistance
Technological and process developments make the production of high quality water from storm-water and wastewater feasible and practical; driving public, political and commercial acceptance of recycled water.
Read moreWater Wars
Water Wars
Access to water supplies will play an increasingly important role in violent regional conflict, with water assets becoming prime targets, prized spoils and even weapons in their own right.
Read moreWater, Water Everywhere…
Water, Water Everywhere…
New water technologies will deliver water more efficiently to the haves, easing shortages, but will remain unavailable to the have-nots - so driving visible new inequalities based explicitly on access to water.
Read moreWhole-Life Design
Whole-Life Design
There is widespread application of processes focused on lifecycle design that seek to maximise the use, reuse and recycling of materials, components and products in order to minimise end-of-life waste.
Read moreWi-fi Global Nomads
Wi-fi Global Nomads
For some in the knowledge economy the potential for continuous travel, blended with part-time work, is focused on ‘wi-fi hopping’for regular access to high-speed connectivity - no matter where in the world they are.
Read moreWider Public Private Partnerships
Wider Public Private Partnerships
In regions where government is seen as an inefficient provider, pressure shifts towards more public private partnerships. Across healthcare, education and transport, approaches include NGOs, technology and new business models.
Read more2020: Review of Future Agenda Foresight
2020: Review of Future Agenda Foresight
At this time of year, many are looking forward to…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to the next twelve months. From the WSJ and the Economist to the FT, CNN and numerous consultancies,…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to the next twelve months. From the WSJ and the Economist to the FT, CNN and numerous consultancies, a host of organisations are suggesting how technology, economics, trade…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to the next twelve months. From the WSJ and the Economist to the FT, CNN and numerous consultancies, a host of organisations are suggesting how technology, economics, trade and politics may change and impact society. However, others keen…
Read moreFuture of Education
Future of Education
The broadening world of education is undergoing several major shifts.…
The broadening world of education is undergoing several major shifts.…
The broadening world of education is undergoing several major shifts. Driven in part by technology innovation and new business models,…
The broadening world of education is undergoing several major shifts. Driven in part by technology innovation and new business models, the learning process is being reinvented and there is a…
The broadening world of education is undergoing several major shifts. Driven in part by technology innovation and new business models, the learning process is being reinvented and there is a transformation of education economics and outcomes. Alongside this, there are…
Read moreThe Future of Work
The Future of Work
A point of view on how, where and why the…
A point of view on how, where and why the…
A point of view on how, where and why the future of work is in flux. The future of work…
A point of view on how, where and why the future of work is in flux. The future of work is increasingly uncertain. What is clear is that we are in…
A point of view on how, where and why the future of work is in flux. The future of work is increasingly uncertain. What is clear is that we are in the midst of a major transformation driven by multiple drivers…
Read moreThe World in 2030
The World in 2030
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the next year, the Future Agenda team continue to explore key…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the next year, the Future Agenda team continue to explore key shifts for the next decade. As we share insights from…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the next year, the Future Agenda team continue to explore key shifts for the next decade. As we share insights from multiple expert discussions around the world, 2020 sees our next…
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