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Title: The World In 2020
Author: Future Agenda |
The World In 2020
Active Elderly (2020)
Active Elderly (2020)
A wealthier, healthier older generation increasingly want and engage in…
A wealthier, healthier older generation increasingly want and engage in…
A wealthier, healthier older generation increasingly want and engage in leading more active lives, taking up new sports, having third-generation…
A wealthier, healthier older generation increasingly want and engage in leading more active lives, taking up new sports, having third-generation careers and becoming more politically involved According to the World…
A wealthier, healthier older generation increasingly want and engage in leading more active lives, taking up new sports, having third-generation careers and becoming more politically involved According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), by 2020 there will be over a…
Read moreAlmost Zero Waste (2020)
Almost Zero Waste (2020)
Escalating waste production and new attitudes, approaches, regulation and business…
Escalating waste production and new attitudes, approaches, regulation and business…
Escalating waste production and new attitudes, approaches, regulation and business models lead many to aim for an almost zero-waste society.…
Escalating waste production and new attitudes, approaches, regulation and business models lead many to aim for an almost zero-waste society. Some commentators predict that the amount of waste being generated…
Escalating waste production and new attitudes, approaches, regulation and business models lead many to aim for an almost zero-waste society. Some commentators predict that the amount of waste being generated will double over the next twenty years. This is due…
Read moreAlternative Proteins (2020)
Alternative Proteins (2020)
The shift in global diet from rice to meat brings…
The shift in global diet from rice to meat brings…
The shift in global diet from rice to meat brings new sources of protein including lab-grown manufactured meats and high…
The shift in global diet from rice to meat brings new sources of protein including lab-grown manufactured meats and high protein vegetable combinations. One of the common challenges with rising…
The shift in global diet from rice to meat brings new sources of protein including lab-grown manufactured meats and high protein vegetable combinations. One of the common challenges with rising economic growth is that of increased resource consumption. As highlighted…
Read moreAsian Aviation (2020)
Asian Aviation (2020)
Led by more tourists and steady growth in cargo transportation,…
Led by more tourists and steady growth in cargo transportation,…
Led by more tourists and steady growth in cargo transportation, Asian aviation places more orders and becomes the largest air…
Led by more tourists and steady growth in cargo transportation, Asian aviation places more orders and becomes the largest air market in the world. In terms of flying, we live…
Led by more tourists and steady growth in cargo transportation, Asian aviation places more orders and becomes the largest air market in the world. In terms of flying, we live in a world at a point of significant change: around…
Read moreAutomated people-care
Robotic assisted care and remote monitoring provide economically viable support…
Robotic assisted care and remote monitoring provide economically viable support…
Robotic assisted care and remote monitoring provide economically viable support for the sick and elderly so people can stay home…
Robotic assisted care and remote monitoring provide economically viable support for the sick and elderly so people can stay home for longer. One of the key challenges for healthcare providers…
Robotic assisted care and remote monitoring provide economically viable support for the sick and elderly so people can stay home for longer. One of the key challenges for healthcare providers is to provide ongoing medical support of the elderly and…
Read moreBio-surveillance (2020)
Bio-surveillance (2020)
Active gathering and interpretation of data related to threats to…
Active gathering and interpretation of data related to threats to…
Active gathering and interpretation of data related to threats to human and animal health delivers faster early warning and situational…
Active gathering and interpretation of data related to threats to human and animal health delivers faster early warning and situational awareness. In an era of increased globalization, public health and…
Active gathering and interpretation of data related to threats to human and animal health delivers faster early warning and situational awareness. In an era of increased globalization, public health and surveillance are playing an increased role in bio-security. Protecting us…
Read moreBridging The Last Mile (2020)
Bridging The Last Mile (2020)
Making public transport as flexible as private focuses attention on…
Making public transport as flexible as private focuses attention on…
Making public transport as flexible as private focuses attention on improving the last mile between multimodal hubs and the home/work…
Making public transport as flexible as private focuses attention on improving the last mile between multimodal hubs and the home/work destination. The concept of ‘the last mile’ came into common…
Making public transport as flexible as private focuses attention on improving the last mile between multimodal hubs and the home/work destination. The concept of ‘the last mile’ came into common language when telecommunications and cable television companies sought to deliver…
Read moreChinese Trains (2020)
Chinese Trains (2020)
China, the pacesetter for change in inter-urban transport, is investing…
China, the pacesetter for change in inter-urban transport, is investing…
China, the pacesetter for change in inter-urban transport, is investing over $1 trillion expanding its rail network to 120,000 km…
China, the pacesetter for change in inter-urban transport, is investing over $1 trillion expanding its rail network to 120,000 km by 2020. In a world where city-to-city, inter-urban transportation is…
China, the pacesetter for change in inter-urban transport, is investing over $1 trillion expanding its rail network to 120,000 km by 2020. In a world where city-to-city, inter-urban transportation is increasingly seen as the major growth area for mobility, competition…
Read moreClean Shipping (2020)
Clean Shipping (2020)
Under increasing pressure to improve efficiency, growing freight shipping adopts…
Under increasing pressure to improve efficiency, growing freight shipping adopts…
Under increasing pressure to improve efficiency, growing freight shipping adopts a range of alternative policies and power systems. Shipping already…
Under increasing pressure to improve efficiency, growing freight shipping adopts a range of alternative policies and power systems. Shipping already accounts for nearly 4.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions…
Under increasing pressure to improve efficiency, growing freight shipping adopts a range of alternative policies and power systems. Shipping already accounts for nearly 4.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and, as the volume of global trade continues to grow,…
Read moreClinical Enhancement (2020)
Clinical Enhancement (2020)
Enhanced functionality will shift from an external add-on to an…
Enhanced functionality will shift from an external add-on to an…
Enhanced functionality will shift from an external add-on to an integrated capability to provide the option for superhuman performance. A…
Enhanced functionality will shift from an external add-on to an integrated capability to provide the option for superhuman performance. A potentially controversial topic raised when looking at the future relates…
Enhanced functionality will shift from an external add-on to an integrated capability to provide the option for superhuman performance. A potentially controversial topic raised when looking at the future relates to the advances being made in replacement organs and limbs.…
Read moreCocktail Identities (2020)
Cocktail Identities (2020)
As the Millennials take over, the need to differentiate between…
As the Millennials take over, the need to differentiate between…
As the Millennials take over, the need to differentiate between the real and virtual disappears; who you are ceases to…
As the Millennials take over, the need to differentiate between the real and virtual disappears; who you are ceases to be defined by a singular identity and we each represent…
As the Millennials take over, the need to differentiate between the real and virtual disappears; who you are ceases to be defined by a singular identity and we each represent a multiple ‘cocktail identity’ portfolio. As the world becomes increasingly…
Read moreCommunity Living (2020)
Community Living (2020)
In rural and urban environments, the community is a prized…
In rural and urban environments, the community is a prized…
In rural and urban environments, the community is a prized goal for the middle aged middle classes as they seek…
In rural and urban environments, the community is a prized goal for the middle aged middle classes as they seek to reconnect with ‘people like us’. In a number of…
In rural and urban environments, the community is a prized goal for the middle aged middle classes as they seek to reconnect with ‘people like us’. In a number of the Future Agenda events, the increasing (not decreasing) desire among…
Read moreCorporate Lego (2020)
Corporate Lego (2020)
With more free agents and outsourcing, non-core functions within organisations…
With more free agents and outsourcing, non-core functions within organisations…
With more free agents and outsourcing, non-core functions within organisations are interchangeable and easily rebuilt around value-creating units. Organisations have…
With more free agents and outsourcing, non-core functions within organisations are interchangeable and easily rebuilt around value-creating units. Organisations have already started to be more permeable and flexible. Increasing use…
With more free agents and outsourcing, non-core functions within organisations are interchangeable and easily rebuilt around value-creating units. Organisations have already started to be more permeable and flexible. Increasing use of consultants, freelances and other temporary staff has blurred the…
Read moreCredible Sources (2020)
Credible Sources (2020)
Greater information overload moves our focus from simply accessing data…
Greater information overload moves our focus from simply accessing data…
Greater information overload moves our focus from simply accessing data to including the source of the insight to distinguish what…
Greater information overload moves our focus from simply accessing data to including the source of the insight to distinguish what we trust. As connectivity increases and the information being generated…
Greater information overload moves our focus from simply accessing data to including the source of the insight to distinguish what we trust. As connectivity increases and the information being generated around the world rises, many of us will be faced…
Read moreDense Cities (2020)
Dense Cities (2020)
As urban migration increases, efficient, densely populated cities, not distributed…
As urban migration increases, efficient, densely populated cities, not distributed…
As urban migration increases, efficient, densely populated cities, not distributed options, are the blueprints for more sustainable places to live.…
As urban migration increases, efficient, densely populated cities, not distributed options, are the blueprints for more sustainable places to live. By 2025, nearly 2.5 billion Asians will live in cities.…
As urban migration increases, efficient, densely populated cities, not distributed options, are the blueprints for more sustainable places to live. By 2025, nearly 2.5 billion Asians will live in cities. This urban growth is being fuelled by new levels of…
Read moreDiabesity (2020)
Diabesity (2020)
With diabetes consuming 5% of GDP, a combination of fat…
With diabetes consuming 5% of GDP, a combination of fat…
With diabetes consuming 5% of GDP, a combination of fat taxation, patient data mining and personal budgets play a role…
With diabetes consuming 5% of GDP, a combination of fat taxation, patient data mining and personal budgets play a role in stabilising the obesity epidemic. Diabetes is the world’s most…
With diabetes consuming 5% of GDP, a combination of fat taxation, patient data mining and personal budgets play a role in stabilising the obesity epidemic. Diabetes is the world’s most costly epidemic. Over the next ten years there will be…
Read moreDifferentiated Knowledge (2020)
Differentiated Knowledge (2020)
As information is shared globally and insight is commoditised, the…
As information is shared globally and insight is commoditised, the…
As information is shared globally and insight is commoditised, the best returns go to those who can produce non-standard, differentiated…
As information is shared globally and insight is commoditised, the best returns go to those who can produce non-standard, differentiated knowledge. In his recent books The World is Flat and…
As information is shared globally and insight is commoditised, the best returns go to those who can produce non-standard, differentiated knowledge. In his recent books The World is Flat and Hot, Flat and Crowded, Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist…
Read moreDrone Wars (2020)
Drone Wars (2020)
Intelligent UAVs choose their victims themselves as the race for…
Intelligent UAVs choose their victims themselves as the race for…
Intelligent UAVs choose their victims themselves as the race for more focused military influence leads to the proliferation of assassination…
Intelligent UAVs choose their victims themselves as the race for more focused military influence leads to the proliferation of assassination tools. Over the past couple of years, Afghanistan and Pakistan…
Intelligent UAVs choose their victims themselves as the race for more focused military influence leads to the proliferation of assassination tools. Over the past couple of years, Afghanistan and Pakistan have seen a significant increase in the use of drone…
Read moreElectric Mobility (2020)
Electric Mobility (2020)
With France and Germany taking the initial lead roles, electric…
With France and Germany taking the initial lead roles, electric…
With France and Germany taking the initial lead roles, electric cars take off and form up to 10% of the…
With France and Germany taking the initial lead roles, electric cars take off and form up to 10% of the world’s vehicle fleet by 2020. It is has been a…
With France and Germany taking the initial lead roles, electric cars take off and form up to 10% of the world’s vehicle fleet by 2020. It is has been a long time coming, but thirteen years after the global launch…
Read moreEnjoying the 0rdinary (2020)
Enjoying the 0rdinary (2020)
Increasing satisfaction with the basics of life, driven by a…
Increasing satisfaction with the basics of life, driven by a…
Increasing satisfaction with the basics of life, driven by a backlash against excess, focuses more on making the most of…
Increasing satisfaction with the basics of life, driven by a backlash against excess, focuses more on making the most of the day-to-day and increasingly valuing the ordinary. Even before the…
Increasing satisfaction with the basics of life, driven by a backlash against excess, focuses more on making the most of the day-to-day and increasingly valuing the ordinary. Even before the economic downturn in Europe and the US that started in…
Read moreGlobal Pandemics (2020)
Global Pandemics (2020)
We are likely to see two to three major pandemics…
We are likely to see two to three major pandemics…
We are likely to see two to three major pandemics start in regions with limited public healthcare and rapidly spread…
We are likely to see two to three major pandemics start in regions with limited public healthcare and rapidly spread globally and so demand fast response. Since the Spanish Flu…
We are likely to see two to three major pandemics start in regions with limited public healthcare and rapidly spread globally and so demand fast response. Since the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, which killed over 50 million people and…
Read moreHalting Alzheimer’s (2020)
Halting Alzheimer’s (2020)
Stopping mental degradation from Alzheimer’s makes quality ageing more possible…
Stopping mental degradation from Alzheimer’s makes quality ageing more possible…
Stopping mental degradation from Alzheimer’s makes quality ageing more possible by improving cognition and slowing the rate of decline. In…
Stopping mental degradation from Alzheimer’s makes quality ageing more possible by improving cognition and slowing the rate of decline. In our discussions, one of the big bets for the future…
Stopping mental degradation from Alzheimer’s makes quality ageing more possible by improving cognition and slowing the rate of decline. In our discussions, one of the big bets for the future in the health arena that many are focused on is…
Read moreIntelligent Buildings (2020)
Intelligent Buildings (2020)
Smarter, better-connected, self-monitoring homes and offices provide safer, more secure,…
Smarter, better-connected, self-monitoring homes and offices provide safer, more secure,…
Smarter, better-connected, self-monitoring homes and offices provide safer, more secure, low-energy buildings able to self-manage utilities. One of the much…
Smarter, better-connected, self-monitoring homes and offices provide safer, more secure, low-energy buildings able to self-manage utilities. One of the much discussed, but yet to be realised, dreams for architects, engineers…
Smarter, better-connected, self-monitoring homes and offices provide safer, more secure, low-energy buildings able to self-manage utilities. One of the much discussed, but yet to be realised, dreams for architects, engineers and progressive developers is the idea of the zero-waste, zero-energy…
Read moreLess Energy (2020)
Less Energy (2020)
Consumers are incentivised to use significantly less energy as escalating…
Consumers are incentivised to use significantly less energy as escalating…
Consumers are incentivised to use significantly less energy as escalating growth in carbon emissions forces utilities to change their business…
Consumers are incentivised to use significantly less energy as escalating growth in carbon emissions forces utilities to change their business models. As highlighted previously, one of the four main certainties…
Consumers are incentivised to use significantly less energy as escalating growth in carbon emissions forces utilities to change their business models. As highlighted previously, one of the four main certainties about the next ten years is that we will experience…
Read moreLess Variety (2020)
Less Variety (2020)
The future of choice is about less variety, but not…
The future of choice is about less variety, but not…
The future of choice is about less variety, but not less interest, as retailers and manufacturers provide an increasingly edited…
The future of choice is about less variety, but not less interest, as retailers and manufacturers provide an increasingly edited portfolio of products through ever more efficient channels. One of…
The future of choice is about less variety, but not less interest, as retailers and manufacturers provide an increasingly edited portfolio of products through ever more efficient channels. One of the most provocative initial viewpoints in the Future Agenda programme…
Read moreLive Experiences (2020)
Live Experiences (2020)
The role of live activities and experiences in an increasingly…
The role of live activities and experiences in an increasingly…
The role of live activities and experiences in an increasingly virtual and isolated world becomes more important to create moments…
The role of live activities and experiences in an increasingly virtual and isolated world becomes more important to create moments for deeper, richer connections and social bonding between people. Being…
The role of live activities and experiences in an increasingly virtual and isolated world becomes more important to create moments for deeper, richer connections and social bonding between people. Being part of the moment has always been special. A major…
Read moreLocal Currency (2020)
Local Currency (2020)
The revitalisation of bartering, decreased trust in banks and increasing…
The revitalisation of bartering, decreased trust in banks and increasing…
The revitalisation of bartering, decreased trust in banks and increasing community focus broadens the adoption of alternative stores of value…
The revitalisation of bartering, decreased trust in banks and increasing community focus broadens the adoption of alternative stores of value for trade. Allied to the changing role of money globally,…
The revitalisation of bartering, decreased trust in banks and increasing community focus broadens the adoption of alternative stores of value for trade. Allied to the changing role of money globally, several commentators see a rise in the wider adoption of…
Read moreLocal Foods (2020)
Local Foods (2020)
Increased transparency on food availability and security, land use and…
Increased transparency on food availability and security, land use and…
Increased transparency on food availability and security, land use and eco-literacy accelerate mass consumption of locally grown and processed foods.…
Increased transparency on food availability and security, land use and eco-literacy accelerate mass consumption of locally grown and processed foods. After nearly a century of interest in global foods sourced…
Increased transparency on food availability and security, land use and eco-literacy accelerate mass consumption of locally grown and processed foods. After nearly a century of interest in global foods sourced from different countries, some developed-world nations have seen a steadily…
Read moreMass Medical Tourism (2020)
Mass Medical Tourism (2020)
Medical tourism goes mainstream as low-cost cardiac surgery and broader…
Medical tourism goes mainstream as low-cost cardiac surgery and broader…
Medical tourism goes mainstream as low-cost cardiac surgery and broader healthcare provision join dentistry and cosmetic surgery to have global…
Medical tourism goes mainstream as low-cost cardiac surgery and broader healthcare provision join dentistry and cosmetic surgery to have global impact. Switzerland has long been a centre for medical holidays…
Medical tourism goes mainstream as low-cost cardiac surgery and broader healthcare provision join dentistry and cosmetic surgery to have global impact. Switzerland has long been a centre for medical holidays – a place where the rich have gone for relaxation…
Read moreMigration magnets (2020)
Migration magnets (2020)
In the Judge Dredd comic book series, Mega-City One is…
In the Judge Dredd comic book series, Mega-City One is…
In the Judge Dredd comic book series, Mega-City One is a huge fictional city-state covering much of the eastern United…
In the Judge Dredd comic book series, Mega-City One is a huge fictional city-state covering much of the eastern United States, linking an urban corridor stretching from Atlanta to Quebec.…
In the Judge Dredd comic book series, Mega-City One is a huge fictional city-state covering much of the eastern United States, linking an urban corridor stretching from Atlanta to Quebec. With a population of over 400 million it is one…
Read moreMuslim Europe (2020)
Muslim Europe (2020)
With increasing economic migration the total Muslim population of Europe…
With increasing economic migration the total Muslim population of Europe…
With increasing economic migration the total Muslim population of Europe is similar in size to that of Germany and a…
With increasing economic migration the total Muslim population of Europe is similar in size to that of Germany and a rising cultural/political influence. Migration has been a contentious subject for…
With increasing economic migration the total Muslim population of Europe is similar in size to that of Germany and a rising cultural/political influence. Migration has been a contentious subject for a number of years and, as politicians continue to avoid…
Read morePeople Tracking (2020)
People Tracking (2020)
The acceptance of being tracked by your mobile is accelerated…
The acceptance of being tracked by your mobile is accelerated…
The acceptance of being tracked by your mobile is accelerated by ticket-less transport systems, increased surveillance and successful location-based services.…
The acceptance of being tracked by your mobile is accelerated by ticket-less transport systems, increased surveillance and successful location-based services. Anyone who has used an iPhone will be aware that…
The acceptance of being tracked by your mobile is accelerated by ticket-less transport systems, increased surveillance and successful location-based services. Anyone who has used an iPhone will be aware that location services are now embedded in most smart-phones. By the…
Read morePharma Foods (2020)
Pharma Foods (2020)
More customised foods blur the line between pharmaceuticals and food…
More customised foods blur the line between pharmaceuticals and food…
More customised foods blur the line between pharmaceuticals and food as nutrigenomics allow individualized diets to fit genetic profiles. As…
More customised foods blur the line between pharmaceuticals and food as nutrigenomics allow individualized diets to fit genetic profiles. As awareness of advances in biotechnology is increasing, a growing area…
More customised foods blur the line between pharmaceuticals and food as nutrigenomics allow individualized diets to fit genetic profiles. As awareness of advances in biotechnology is increasing, a growing area of interest is in the use of foods for medical…
Read moreSeamless Media Consumption
Seamless Media Consumption
Multiple media sources are instantly integrated at the point of…
Multiple media sources are instantly integrated at the point of…
Multiple media sources are instantly integrated at the point of consumption to provide us with continual, enhanced and immersive access…
Multiple media sources are instantly integrated at the point of consumption to provide us with continual, enhanced and immersive access to tailored, bite-sized content. How we access and consume information…
Multiple media sources are instantly integrated at the point of consumption to provide us with continual, enhanced and immersive access to tailored, bite-sized content. How we access and consume information has undergone rapid change over the past few years. The…
Read moreSolar Sunrise (2020)
Solar Sunrise (2020)
Increasing governmental focus on energy security and climate change drives…
Increasing governmental focus on energy security and climate change drives…
Increasing governmental focus on energy security and climate change drives the uptake of large-scale solar as the leading renewable supply.…
Increasing governmental focus on energy security and climate change drives the uptake of large-scale solar as the leading renewable supply. The combined pressures of rising global energy demand, increasing concern…
Increasing governmental focus on energy security and climate change drives the uptake of large-scale solar as the leading renewable supply. The combined pressures of rising global energy demand, increasing concern about climate change, greater focus on the advance of ‘peak…
Read moreThird Global Currency (2020)
Third Global Currency (2020)
The economic rise of Asia and the need for an…
The economic rise of Asia and the need for an…
The economic rise of Asia and the need for an alternative to the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency…
The economic rise of Asia and the need for an alternative to the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency produces a parallel broad-basket Asian Currency Unit. Alongside individual national…
The economic rise of Asia and the need for an alternative to the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency produces a parallel broad-basket Asian Currency Unit. Alongside individual national currencies and regional currencies such as the East Caribbean Dollar…
Read moreUrban (Im)mobility (2020)
Urban (Im)mobility (2020)
Informed choices, growth, congestion and regulation impact the world’s cities…
Informed choices, growth, congestion and regulation impact the world’s cities…
Informed choices, growth, congestion and regulation impact the world’s cities to drive a shift to more sustainable and efficient transport…
Informed choices, growth, congestion and regulation impact the world’s cities to drive a shift to more sustainable and efficient transport options. Although all cities are in many ways different in…
Informed choices, growth, congestion and regulation impact the world’s cities to drive a shift to more sustainable and efficient transport options. Although all cities are in many ways different in terms of layout and structure, and consequently have different transport…
Read moreVirtual Authenticity (2020)
Virtual Authenticity (2020)
Trusting our digital credentials allows us to participate confidently in…
Trusting our digital credentials allows us to participate confidently in…
Trusting our digital credentials allows us to participate confidently in open global transactions to gain access to what we want…
Trusting our digital credentials allows us to participate confidently in open global transactions to gain access to what we want when we want. Proving what is real in an increasingly…
Trusting our digital credentials allows us to participate confidently in open global transactions to gain access to what we want when we want. Proving what is real in an increasingly complex world is seen as a significant emerging challenge by…
Read moreWater Management (2020)
Water Management (2020)
Advanced water purification, irrigation and desalination technologies are used to…
Advanced water purification, irrigation and desalination technologies are used to…
Advanced water purification, irrigation and desalination technologies are used to help communities to manage the growing supply/demand imbalance. As highlighted…
Advanced water purification, irrigation and desalination technologies are used to help communities to manage the growing supply/demand imbalance. As highlighted in the key resource constraints chapter, water is the resource…
Advanced water purification, irrigation and desalination technologies are used to help communities to manage the growing supply/demand imbalance. As highlighted in the key resource constraints chapter, water is the resource over which many governments, corporations and communities have greatest concern…
Read moreThe world in 2020 – The 10 year perspective
The world in 2020 – The 10 year perspective
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31 December 2018
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31 December 2018
Read moreA perspective for Earth Day 2020
Today marks the 50th Earth Day. Wonderfully millions of people…
Today marks the 50th Earth Day. Wonderfully millions of people…
Today marks the 50th Earth Day. Wonderfully millions of people and organisations all over the world, are already taking positive…
Today marks the 50th Earth Day. Wonderfully millions of people and organisations all over the world, are already taking positive action for the planet. But the truth is that this…
Today marks the 50th Earth Day. Wonderfully millions of people and organisations all over the world, are already taking positive action for the planet. But the truth is that this is insufficient, and we remain bang on track for catastrophic…
Read more2020: Review of Future Agenda Foresight
2020: Review of Future Agenda Foresight
At this time of year, many are looking forward to…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to the next twelve months. From the WSJ and the Economist to the FT, CNN and numerous consultancies,…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to the next twelve months. From the WSJ and the Economist to the FT, CNN and numerous consultancies, a host of organisations are suggesting how technology, economics, trade…
At this time of year, many are looking forward to the next twelve months. From the WSJ and the Economist to the FT, CNN and numerous consultancies, a host of organisations are suggesting how technology, economics, trade and politics may change and impact society. However, others keen…
Read moreThe World – 2025
The World – 2025
In 2015 we ran a Global Open Foresight Programme exploring…
In 2015 we ran a Global Open Foresight Programme exploring…
In 2015 we ran a Global Open Foresight Programme exploring the world in 2025. It brought together multiple experts from…
In 2015 we ran a Global Open Foresight Programme exploring the world in 2025. It brought together multiple experts from around the globe to share and discuss the key issues…
In 2015 we ran a Global Open Foresight Programme exploring the world in 2025. It brought together multiple experts from around the globe to share and discuss the key issues facing society over the next decade. The programme was delivered…
Read moreThe World in 2030
The World in 2030
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the next year, the Future Agenda team continue to explore key…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the next year, the Future Agenda team continue to explore key shifts for the next decade. As we share insights from…
Although many eyes are set on possible developments for the next year, the Future Agenda team continue to explore key shifts for the next decade. As we share insights from multiple expert discussions around the world, 2020 sees our next…
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